Sonntag, 16. Juli 2023

TEST: Palmer Monicon XL

 Since most project studios are now working without a console, the monitor controller is taking on more and more tasks that were otherwise assigned to the mixing console. In order to be able to manage several studio monitors from one controller, the Palmer company has extended its controller series upwards with the Palmer Monicon XL and, following the products Monicon and Monicon L, for the first time relies on active management of the monitors plus some helpful features, which is rarely found in this price range.

The concept of the Palmer Monicon XL

The Palmer Monicon XL is an active monitor controller that can be used to manage up to three pairs of monitor loudspeakers. With the dimensions (W x D x H) 254 mm x 215 mm x 84 mm and a weight of 1.5 kg, the product is comparatively handy, but as a pure desktop device it takes up a not inconsiderable amount, especially with the usually small work surfaces of a project studio take up space. However, as we'll see later, Palmer did a lot of pull-ups to keep the dimensions of this offering to a minimum.

In addition to managing the monitors, the Palmer Monicon XL has 2 headphone outputs, the volume of which can be controlled independently. Both outputs can either be switched to the sum output or to the cue output, to which an additional headphone amplifier can be connected for the recording room. In general, Palmer attaches great importance to being able to take over several functions of a console with the Palmer Monicon XL. The device also has a switchable and volume-adjustable talkback microphone for communication with the artist to be recorded.

The top of the Palmer Monicon XL

For a product under the 300 euro mark, the Palmer Monicon XL built in China is surprisingly comprehensive. The three input sources can be routed to three outputs and the three cue outputs via three illuminated soft-touch pushbuttons, whereby the volume of the cue outputs can be controlled independently. A quick note on the knobs on the top of the case in general. The narrow buttons are easy to read despite their dark color, but are not countered on the case and therefore have some play in terms of their fit. It is therefore advisable to be careful with the controls to avoid a hairline crack on the circuit board.

A special feature is Input 3, which, in addition to an AUX input, which allows an RCA and mini stereo jack as sound sources, also has an S/PDIF input, whereby the RCA sockets and the mini jack can be used at the same time. In this case, their volume ratio must be regulated on the output devices. A push switch can be used to switch between the same sockets and the coaxial input of the S/PDIF, with a rotary control adjusting the volume by up to 20 dB.

Another special feature is the DIM switch, which is also equipped with a volume control. The DIM function offers the possibility of lowering the output signals of the line outputs Balanced Monitor Outputs 1 - 3 and the headphone outputs 1 and 2 by the value set on the Attenuation control without affecting the cue signals. For example, conversations can be held in the control room at a reduced volume without affecting the current recording.

In the lower middle of the panel is the main volume control, which is comparatively small for a case of this size. The entire system can be muted with a mute switch, which of course does not affect the cue outputs. A mono switch switches the signal to mono accordingly. Here the Palmer Monicon XL trumps with another unusual feature, which is comparatively rarely found in the controller area. Since there are now many sound reinforcement systems in rooms where there is no proper stereo triangle, e.g. B. discotheques or sound reinforcement for passers-by, are mixed in mono, attention must be paid to the phasing of these productions.

To prevent this, Palmer installed a correlation meter in the form of a 7-digit LED chain between the 8-digit output LED chains. If the phasing is correct, the middle LED lights up, if the phasing gets out of control, the display moves up or down accordingly. A helpful tool that shows problems on the fly without having to use an on-screen plug-in.

The back of the Palmer Monicon XL

All inputs and outputs, with the exception of the headphone outputs, are on the back of the Palmer Monicon XL housing. Starting on the left is the socket for the external power pack, which is strain-relieved via a small metal bracket along with the on/off switch. Yes, an internal power supply would be nicer, but on the one hand it would take up space and mean significantly more production work for international sales.

Next to it are the unbalanced line outputs Main and Cue. As already mentioned, the cue output is used for an external headphone amplifier, while the main L/R out allows the connection of an external recording device such as a recorder. B. a tape machine or a digital stereo recorder. A signal is output which is tapped on the control panel at Input Select in front of the main volume control and is therefore independent of the Mute, Mono, Dim or Talk functions.

Further to the right are the three main outputs, which, like all the other main sockets, were implemented in TRS. Here it is important to have the appropriate adapter cable ready, as not all monitors have the appropriate combination sockets or TRS inputs. In my opinion, XLR output sockets would have been the better choice, although in this case the housing would have had to be a little wider. As a special feature, output 3 offers the option of driving an additional subwoofer or a general mono signal via the mono summed SUM in addition to the two L/R sockets. With regard to all speaker pair outputs, the respective output levels can be adjusted, if necessary, on a small gain controller and adapted to the connected monitor system.

All the inputs of the Palmer Monicon XL are on the far right, with inputs 1 and 2 being implemented as TRS and all three inputs can be used in parallel. The sound source is selected via the top of the device.

The underside of the Palmer Monicon XL

A special feature of the Palmer Monicon XL is on the underside of the device, which is less about the function itself and more about listing the possible individual settings of the device. If you hold down one of the buttons Cue Source In 1, Cue Source In 2, Cue Source In 3, Input Select In 1, Input Select In 2, Output Select Out 1, Output Select Out 2, Output Select Out when activating the Palmer Monicon XL 3, Mute, Talk or Mono pressed, you can configure the setup to your personal preferences. Changes such as the level display of the maximum level, simultaneous assignment of the inputs, simultaneous assignment of the outputs, latching or momentary operation can be changed again, which increases the flexibility of the product many times over.

In practice

What could be nicer for a controller than a practical report that is very short. Again, there's hardly anything to notice here, simply because each feature does exactly what it's supposed to. The sound of the product is neutral, a coloring of the source material could not be determined.

All controllers have an even control path and do their job perfectly. Even the slightly softer rubber feet prove to be a very good solution, as they pleasantly slow down the product even on a glass plate. Ergonomics, feel and general appearance are good, ergo, what more could you want from a controller in this price range.


With the Palmer Monicon XL, the German manufacturer has a cheap and yet very high-quality monitor controller in its ranks. For a retail price of less than 300 euros, the customer receives a controller that not only knows how to manage 3 different pairs of loudspeakers, but also with additional details such as an optional main out for connecting a recorder, an optional subwoofer out, a well thought-out cue solution and an individual configuration option the surface convinced.

If you don't mind a dark brown Brazil nut look with orange applications and can live with the absence of XLR sockets, you should definitely try the product.

Additional Informations:

Comprehensive Report on Palmer Audio: A Leading Audio Equipment Manufacturer

Palmer Audio is a renowned company that specializes in the design, production, and distribution of high-quality audio equipment. Founded in 1980, the company has consistently delivered innovative products and exceptional customer service, establishing itself as a leading player in the audio industry. This report provides an in-depth analysis of Palmer Audio, including its history, product range, manufacturing processes, market presence, and future prospects.

Company History and Background:
Palmer Audio was established by Mr. John Palmer in 1980. Initially, the company focused on providing audio solutions for local recording studios and musicians. Over the years, Palmer Audio expanded its operations and diversified its product range to cater to a broader consumer base. Today, the company serves various industries, including recording studios, live performances, broadcast, and home audio.

Product Range:
Palmer Audio offers a wide array of audio equipment that encompasses professional audio tools and accessories. The company's product range includes:

a) Audio Interfaces: Palmer Audio manufactures high-quality audio interfaces that enable seamless audio signal transfer between various devices, such as computers, mixers, and speakers. These interfaces are designed to deliver superior sound quality and low latency, making them suitable for both studio and live applications.

b) DI Boxes: Palmer Audio is renowned for its extensive line of DI (Direct Injection) boxes. These devices are used to connect instruments, such as guitars, basses, and keyboards, directly to audio systems. Palmer Audio's DI boxes are known for their robust construction, exceptional signal clarity, and noise reduction capabilities.

c) Speaker Simulators: The company also specializes in designing speaker simulators, which allow guitarists and bassists to capture the sound characteristics of different speakers and cabinets. Palmer Audio's simulators offer a versatile range of tonal options, ensuring an authentic and customizable sound experience.

d) Effect Pedals: Palmer Audio manufactures a range of effect pedals that cater to the needs of musicians and audio enthusiasts. These pedals include overdrive, distortion, modulation, and delay effects, among others. Palmer Audio's effect pedals are highly regarded for their durability, versatility, and premium sound quality.

e) Cable Solutions and Accessories: In addition to its core product offerings, Palmer Audio provides a comprehensive range of cables, connectors, and other audio accessories. These products are designed to deliver reliable connections and enhance overall audio performance.

Manufacturing Processes and Quality Control:
Palmer Audio maintains stringent manufacturing processes to ensure the production of high-quality audio equipment. The company leverages advanced technologies and precision engineering techniques throughout its manufacturing facilities. Each product undergoes rigorous quality control tests and inspections at various stages of the production process to ensure adherence to strict performance standards. Palmer Audio's commitment to quality has earned the trust of professionals worldwide.

Market Presence and Customer Base:
Palmer Audio has a strong presence in both domestic and international markets. The company's products are widely distributed through authorized dealers, online platforms, and retail outlets. Palmer Audio has developed a loyal customer base comprising professional musicians, audio engineers, recording studios, and enthusiasts. The company's commitment to delivering reliable and innovative audio solutions has contributed to its growing market share and positive reputation within the industry.

Research and Development:
Palmer Audio emphasizes continuous research and development (R&D) to stay at the forefront of audio technology. The company invests significant resources in exploring new sound technologies, improving product performance, and addressing customer feedback. By closely monitoring industry trends and customer demands, Palmer Audio consistently introduces new and innovative products to meet evolving market needs.

Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility:
Palmer Audio recognizes the importance of sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR). The company actively implements eco-friendly practices in its manufacturing processes and packaging materials. Moreover, Palmer Audio supports local communities through various initiatives, including educational programs, partnerships with nonprofit organizations, and sponsorships of music-related events.

Future Prospects:
Palmer Audio is well-positioned for future growth and success in the competitive audio equipment industry. The company's commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction provides a strong foundation for its expansion plans. Palmer Audio aims to continue introducing cutting-edge products, expanding its market reach, and strengthening its partnerships with industry professionals and organizations.

Palmer Audio's rich history, diverse product range, commitment to quality, and market presence make it a leading player in the audio equipment industry. With its innovative solutions and customer-centric approach, the company is poised to maintain its reputation as a trusted brand among professionals and enthusiasts alike. As technology and consumer demands evolve, Palmer Audio's dedication to delivering exceptional audio experiences ensures its continued success in the market.

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