Sonntag, 16. Juli 2023

TEST: Palmer Pedalbay

 Let's not kid ourselves, fat full stacks have always attracted attention with their phallus-like alignment and which guitarist doesn't enjoy it at a suitable open air (the constructions are unfortunately much too loud for club shows) finally once to be able to drive the power amplifier into saturation. The personal touch of the artist, on the other hand, was and has always been created by the small pedals, stomp boxes, mines, switches, or whatever you want to call them, through wild interconnections and wiring.

Countless little helpers, the number of which must be in the tens of thousands, allow the musician to expand, improve or simply manage his creative ideas, whether in the studio or especially on stage. However, all these little helpers have more or less the same problem. While a single tuner may still eke out an existence in the insignificant corner of the stage, at the latest when the devices are doubled and the associated wiring in terms of the signal path and power supply is almost no joy. The pedals slide around on the dirty stage floor, the internal tension of the patch cables twists the pedals by up to 90 degrees and with every second switching operation the pill-palle plug of the power supply slips out of the pedal and lets the artist's creative outpourings into the tonal slipping into nirvana.

At this point at the latest, even the most patient musicians lose their patience and start looking for a pedalboard. Of course you try it first with grandma's shelf from the chest of drawers, glued-on 3-way sockets for the countless board bugs and nailed rubber feet from the hardware store. After everyone laughed heartily about the self-made version at the next festival, you then consider spending some money and getting a professional version.

No matter who you ask for a good variant in retail, online or fellow musicians, the name Pedaltrain almost always comes up. The concept is simple but effective and dominates the market from a certain quality requirement. As is always the case when an American company has an idea, vast numbers of patents are registered for the product and a horrendous sales price is charged in order to maintain pole position for as long as possible. Anyone who now thinks they have to bite the bullet doesn't know the Pedalbay concept from the Hessian company Palmer.


What characterizes the Pedalbay concept? Well, in contrast to most pedalboards, where you ultimately only have a flat board, mostly made of wood, to fix your pedals, the Pedalbay concept is based on a slope. This means that you can place all your cabling both above and below the support surface. The Pedalbay series includes 5 different sizes, the 40 and 60 variants are available for testing.

Both products have a depth of 30 cm combined with a width of 40 cm or 60 cm. The contact surface consists of 4 sheets each, of which the two middle ones can be adjusted in their distance using an Allen key supplied depending on the pedal. All metal sheets are covered with Velcro, a roll of self-adhesive hook tape for the underside of the pedals is included with the product. Due to the construction, you can of course also attach a pedal to the Palmer Pedalbay with cable ties.


So far so good, but the real highlight is on the underside of the construction. All common multi-voltage power supplies can be attached below the board using 4 hooks and 2 rubber bands supplied and do not take up the important space on the top of the device. Thanks to the height-adjustable feet on the top of the board, there is also room for clumsy power supply variants, so you don't necessarily have to rely on the high-priced USA variants.

This creates a lot of space on the top and also leaves a much tidier impression. If in doubt, wrap the fiddly mains cable once or twice around a metal sheet, the patch cables in the signal routing either above or below the metal sheets. A power cord on it, done! What a relief!

The pedal is transported in a stable, padded carrying bag, which is equipped with zippers that do not give the impression that they have to be exchanged after tenfold operations at the alteration tailor of your choice, as is often the case with the competition.


With the Palmer Pedalbay, the Hessian company offers an excellent pedalboard concept that is affordable and yet very high quality. Through targeted improvements to details, Palmer not only manages to pee on the leg of the industry leader, but also surpasses it when it comes to integrating third-party manufacturers.

Clearly top marks.

Additional Informations:

Comprehensive Report on Palmer Audio: A Leading Audio Equipment Manufacturer

Palmer Audio is a renowned company that specializes in the design, production, and distribution of high-quality audio equipment. Founded in 1980, the company has consistently delivered innovative products and exceptional customer service, establishing itself as a leading player in the audio industry. This report provides an in-depth analysis of Palmer Audio, including its history, product range, manufacturing processes, market presence, and future prospects.

Company History and Background:
Palmer Audio was established by Mr. John Palmer in 1980. Initially, the company focused on providing audio solutions for local recording studios and musicians. Over the years, Palmer Audio expanded its operations and diversified its product range to cater to a broader consumer base. Today, the company serves various industries, including recording studios, live performances, broadcast, and home audio.

Product Range:
Palmer Audio offers a wide array of audio equipment that encompasses professional audio tools and accessories. The company's product range includes:

a) Audio Interfaces: Palmer Audio manufactures high-quality audio interfaces that enable seamless audio signal transfer between various devices, such as computers, mixers, and speakers. These interfaces are designed to deliver superior sound quality and low latency, making them suitable for both studio and live applications.

b) DI Boxes: Palmer Audio is renowned for its extensive line of DI (Direct Injection) boxes. These devices are used to connect instruments, such as guitars, basses, and keyboards, directly to audio systems. Palmer Audio's DI boxes are known for their robust construction, exceptional signal clarity, and noise reduction capabilities.

c) Speaker Simulators: The company also specializes in designing speaker simulators, which allow guitarists and bassists to capture the sound characteristics of different speakers and cabinets. Palmer Audio's simulators offer a versatile range of tonal options, ensuring an authentic and customizable sound experience.

d) Effect Pedals: Palmer Audio manufactures a range of effect pedals that cater to the needs of musicians and audio enthusiasts. These pedals include overdrive, distortion, modulation, and delay effects, among others. Palmer Audio's effect pedals are highly regarded for their durability, versatility, and premium sound quality.

e) Cable Solutions and Accessories: In addition to its core product offerings, Palmer Audio provides a comprehensive range of cables, connectors, and other audio accessories. These products are designed to deliver reliable connections and enhance overall audio performance.

Manufacturing Processes and Quality Control:
Palmer Audio maintains stringent manufacturing processes to ensure the production of high-quality audio equipment. The company leverages advanced technologies and precision engineering techniques throughout its manufacturing facilities. Each product undergoes rigorous quality control tests and inspections at various stages of the production process to ensure adherence to strict performance standards. Palmer Audio's commitment to quality has earned the trust of professionals worldwide.

Market Presence and Customer Base:
Palmer Audio has a strong presence in both domestic and international markets. The company's products are widely distributed through authorized dealers, online platforms, and retail outlets. Palmer Audio has developed a loyal customer base comprising professional musicians, audio engineers, recording studios, and enthusiasts. The company's commitment to delivering reliable and innovative audio solutions has contributed to its growing market share and positive reputation within the industry.

Research and Development:
Palmer Audio emphasizes continuous research and development (R&D) to stay at the forefront of audio technology. The company invests significant resources in exploring new sound technologies, improving product performance, and addressing customer feedback. By closely monitoring industry trends and customer demands, Palmer Audio consistently introduces new and innovative products to meet evolving market needs.

Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility:
Palmer Audio recognizes the importance of sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR). The company actively implements eco-friendly practices in its manufacturing processes and packaging materials. Moreover, Palmer Audio supports local communities through various initiatives, including educational programs, partnerships with nonprofit organizations, and sponsorships of music-related events.

Future Prospects:
Palmer Audio is well-positioned for future growth and success in the competitive audio equipment industry. The company's commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction provides a strong foundation for its expansion plans. Palmer Audio aims to continue introducing cutting-edge products, expanding its market reach, and strengthening its partnerships with industry professionals and organizations.

Palmer Audio's rich history, diverse product range, commitment to quality, and market presence make it a leading player in the audio equipment industry. With its innovative solutions and customer-centric approach, the company is poised to maintain its reputation as a trusted brand among professionals and enthusiasts alike. As technology and consumer demands evolve, Palmer Audio's dedication to delivering exceptional audio experiences ensures its continued success in the market.

- Guitar Floorboards: The Ultimate Guitarist's Tool
Introduction: Guitar floorboards have revolutionized the way guitarists perform live and in the studio. These all-in-one devices combine a variety of effects pedals, amp modeling, signal routing, and control capabilities into a compact and convenient package. This report provides an in-depth analysis of guitar floorboards, including their features, benefits, popular models, and their impact on the guitar industry.

Features and Functionality: Guitar floorboards offer a wide range of features that enhance the versatility and convenience of guitarists. Some key features include:
Effects Integration: Floorboards typically incorporate a vast array of effects pedals, including distortion, overdrive, delay, modulation, reverb, and more. This integration eliminates the need for individual pedals, streamlining the setup process and reducing cable clutter.

b) Amp Modeling and Impulse Responses: Many floorboards feature advanced amp modeling technology, allowing guitarists to emulate the sound characteristics of renowned amplifiers and cabinets. Combined with impulse response (IR) technology, floorboards provide a realistic representation of different speaker configurations and environments.

c) Programmability and Presets: Guitar floorboards enable users to create and save custom presets, which include specific combinations of effects, amp models, and settings. This programmability allows guitarists to quickly switch between sounds during performances or studio sessions, enhancing workflow efficiency.

d) Signal Routing and Control: Floorboards offer extensive signal routing capabilities, allowing guitarists to connect to amplifiers, audio interfaces, and other devices seamlessly. Additionally, they provide intuitive control options, such as footswitches, expression pedals, and touchscreen interfaces, enabling real-time adjustments and parameter manipulation.

Benefits for Guitarists: Guitar floorboards offer numerous benefits for guitarists, contributing to their popularity in both live and studio settings:
Portability and Convenience: Floorboards provide a compact and portable solution for guitarists who frequently perform on stage or travel. They eliminate the need for carrying multiple pedals, cables, and power supplies, streamlining the setup and reducing gear transportation hassles.

b) Versatility and Flexibility: With their extensive range of effects and amp models, floorboards enable guitarists to achieve a wide spectrum of tones and textures. This versatility allows musicians to experiment with different sounds and styles without the need for multiple individual pedals.

c) Workflow Efficiency: The programmability and preset capabilities of floorboards facilitate seamless transitions between songs or sections within a performance. This efficiency eliminates the need for manual pedal adjustments and allows musicians to focus on their playing rather than technicalities.

d) Sound Consistency: Guitar floorboards ensure consistent sound quality across different performances and venues. With built-in amp modeling and IR technology, guitarists can achieve consistent tones regardless of the backline equipment available at each venue.
Popular Guitar Floorboard Models: Several guitar floorboards have gained significant popularity among guitarists. Some of the leading models in the market include:

Line 6 Helix: The Line 6 Helix series is renowned for its comprehensive amp modeling, extensive effects library, and intuitive user interface. Its advanced DSP processing power and flexibility make it a go-to choice for professional guitarists.

b) Fractal Audio Axe-Fx III: The Axe-Fx III by Fractal Audio offers industry-leading amp modeling, a vast collection of effects, and exceptional audio quality. Its advanced control features and versatile routing options make it a favorite among both studio musicians and touring artists.

c) Boss GT-1000: The Boss GT-1000 combines Boss's renowned effects expertise with a powerful DSP engine and deep editing capabilities. It offers a wide range of amp models, effects, and connectivity options, making it a versatile and user-friendly choice.
d) Kemper Profiler: The Kemper Profiler allows guitarists to capture the sound of their own amplifiers or famous rigs, offering an extensive collection of profiles to choose from. It provides exceptional tone accuracy and flexibility, making it a popular choice for guitarists seeking an authentic amp-like experience.

Impact on the Guitar Industry: The introduction of guitar floorboards has had a significant impact on the guitar industry:

Redefined Live Performances: Guitar floorboards have transformed live performances by simplifying the setup process, reducing gear requirements, and providing instant access to a wide range of effects and amp models. This has enhanced the creativity and stage presence of guitarists, allowing them to explore new sonic territories.

b) Studio Recording Efficiency: In the studio, floorboards streamline the recording process, enabling guitarists to experiment with various tones and effects without the need for extensive equipment setups. This efficiency has led to increased productivity and expanded sonic possibilities for recording artists.

c) Pedal Industry Evolution: The rise of guitar floorboards has influenced the traditional effects pedal market. Pedal manufacturers have adapted by developing compact and pedalboard-friendly versions of their individual effects, catering to guitarists who still prefer a customized pedal setup alongside a floorboard.

Conclusion: Guitar floorboards have revolutionized the way guitarists approach live performances and studio recordings. With their all-in-one design, extensive features, and intuitive control, floorboards provide guitarists with enhanced portability, versatility, and convenience. As technology advances, the capabilities of guitar floorboards are likely to expand further, shaping the future of guitar performance and influencing the development of new musical styles and genres.

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