Sonntag, 30. Juli 2023

TEST: Peli 1500-004-110

Men indeed, who studies my reviews a bit more closely, can relatively easily read out my weakness for massive and safe packaging in the instrumental area, i.e. cases, respectively flightcases.

Too many valuable products I have already destroyed in my naive beginner days due to my own loading errors, or worse, handling errors of third parties, or they were so badly scratched, bent or dented that their value or their usability fell into the bottomless pit.

However, one thing has always bothered me when using multi-layer plywood, the construction-conditioned partly massive increase in weight. Depending on the size of the case and the quality of the workmanship, the weight of the packaging exceeds the net weight of the contents many times over, which can cause problems with an appropriate backline.

I remember very well my last European tour, which I completed with my band DOMAIN, and the driver of the nightliner informed us before the start of the tour that our backline exceeded the weight of the double-axle trailer, which can be loaded with several tons, by quite a bit due to our "proper" packaging...

Therefore, the industry has always been looking for a heavy-duty plastic that has a strength comparable to plywood, but is much lighter in weight.

One of the suppliers of such products is the American company Peli, which offers a comprehensive range of products for almost every size of case or case on the market.

For testing, I have a case with the sprawling product designation 1500-004-110.


Peli boasts the build quality of the American military and certifies its products a shockproof, waterproof and oil / grease repellent construction. Additionally, the manufacturer incorporates a pressure equalization valve due to its strong seal, which is especially necessary in aircraft storage compartments.

The black case comes with internal dimensions of 43.2 cm x 29.0 cm x 15.6 cm, external dimensions of 47.0 cm x 35.7 cm x 17.6 cm and a weight of only 4 kg. The weight is all the more astonishing, as my flightcase briefcase, which was only made of 7 mm plywood and only with small metal corners, already has the same weight and opens up about 50% less storage space.

The Peli case is my massive handle of the brand extra-heavy-duty equipped and has a soft rubber compound on the lower grip surface to increase the grip.

The entire case including the handle has, in contrast to many handles or cases, which I have come across from Far East manufacturing in recent times, no (!) Evaporation of solvents or even plasticizers. Very good! You do not believe what I had partly for stink glands in the last time to the test.....

The case is closed by two combined tilt/snap latches, which give an extremely durable impression. All moving plastic parts are guided over recessed metal pins, just like a standard hinge. This prevents the plastic from losing some of its stability with every movement, similar to a nail that is bent back and forth several times.

Maybe some of you remember the Gibson guitar cases from the eighties, often called "Lenor bottles". They had exactly this problem and inevitably led to the snap locks breaking off over the years.

Metal-reinforced holes were placed to the left and right of the latches, where the Peli can be secured against unauthorized opening with normal padlocks if necessary.

The design of the case has some details that immediately show that a fair amount of experience has been involved in the construction. For example, the rear supports, which hold the case vertically, were shaved off at the sides at an angle of about 70 degrees to simplify folding and still give the case sufficient stability.

Or the fact that when the lid is opened, it comes to a pressure point and can only be moved to full opening with a little force. This prevents the lid from slamming down when the case is open and damaging contents, or the case itself, if it is inadvertently set upright.

To protect the contents of the case from moisture, a rubber lip has been embedded in the lid, which fits flush when the case is closed, thus completely sealing the case.

Nubbed foam was attached to the inside of the lid, but it is only clamped in place and not glued. Personally, I don't consider this concept to be the optimal fastening, since the foam comes off quite easily when pulled slightly downwards. If necessary, however, the whole thing can be quickly fixed with some special glue or even double-sided tape.

A freely configurable floor divider is attached to the transport tray from the factory, which consists of four long and nine short individual elements. These can now be individually assembled by means of Velcro tape for individual compartments of different sizes. A simple and yet very effective solution.

The individual elements are of high quality, covered with a water-repellent synthetic fiber and consist of a flexible plastic/rubber mix on the inside.


To test the case directly times on its waterproofness, I took it this morning simply with the shower! Long-haired shaggy with equipment case in the bathroom, the facial expression of my wife you should have seen ;-)

But what can I say, neither water nor soap penetrated into the interior of the case, the rubber lips provided a practical seal.

Furthermore, trampoline jumping followed on the edges, the side parts and on the middle of the suitcase. Even though with my 71 kg I'm not exactly one of the massive representatives of my guild, here too no yielding, bending or even breaking could be heard.

The flexible bottom divider allows you to configure the case individually to your personal transport needs. Whether you primarily want to transport microphones, cables, D.I. boxes, strings, bottlenecks, music stands, practice amps, FX pedals, or whatever, I found nothing I couldn't fit in the Peli, provided it didn't exceed the interior dimensions.


The Peli case has convinced me all along the line!

The design is absolutely road-ready, well processed and has very good detail solutions, which suggests a practical orientation.

In addition, the case made of plastic is much lighter than a comparable plywood case and thus already back and gasoline bill.

Whether you are then also willing to pay the, albeit justified, high-end price of the product, everyone must find out for themselves.

Additional Informations:

Comprehensive Report on Peli Cases

1. Introduction:
Peli Cases is a renowned company specializing in the design and manufacturing of high-performance protective cases for a wide range of industries and applications. With a history dating back to 1976, the company has established itself as a global leader in providing durable, watertight, dustproof, and crush-resistant cases to protect valuable equipment and gear. This report aims to provide an in-depth overview of Peli Cases, covering its history, product range, design and engineering expertise, key features, global presence, and its impact on various industries.

2. History and Founding:
Peli Cases was founded by Dave Parker in Torrance, California, in 1976. The company initially began as a supplier of lighting equipment to the film and photography industry. Recognizing the need for robust and protective cases to transport delicate lighting gear, Parker designed the first Peli Case, which became an instant success. The positive response to the case's durability and reliability prompted the company to shift its focus entirely to protective case manufacturing, leading to the establishment of Peli Products, Inc.

3. Product Range:
Peli Cases offers an extensive product range that caters to diverse industries and applications. Their cases are available in various sizes, configurations, and materials, ensuring a suitable solution for almost any type of equipment. The company manufactures general-purpose cases, heavy-duty shipping cases, tool cases, camera and photography cases, laptop and tablet cases, medical equipment cases, military-grade cases, and more. Peli's commitment to innovation has also led to the development of specialized product lines, including cases with foam inserts custom-cut to fit specific items perfectly.

4. Design and Engineering Expertise:
One of Peli Cases' key strengths lies in its design and engineering expertise. Their cases are engineered using advanced techniques, such as injection molding and rotational molding, to create seamless, watertight seals that protect against extreme conditions. Peli employs a team of skilled engineers and designers who collaborate closely with customers to develop custom solutions for unique requirements. The company's cases undergo rigorous testing and are designed to meet or exceed military standards, ensuring their reliability in the most demanding environments.

5. Key Features:
Peli Cases are renowned for their exceptional features, which set them apart from standard protective cases. Some of the key features include:
Watertight Seal: Peli Cases are equipped with a patented O-ring gasket that forms a watertight seal, making them completely waterproof even when submerged.
Pressure Equalization Valve: Peli's cases feature an automatic pressure equalization valve that balances interior air pressure while keeping water and dust out.
Crushproof and Impact-Resistant: The rugged construction of Peli Cases provides superior crush and impact resistance, ensuring the safety of valuable equipment during transit or storage.
Chemical and Corrosion Resistance: Peli Cases are resistant to a wide range of chemicals and are highly durable, even in harsh environments.
Stackable Design: The cases come with interlocking ribs and stacking feet, enabling stable and secure stacking when multiple cases are used.

6. Global Presence:
With its headquarters in Torrance, California, Peli Cases has expanded its presence globally. The company has a network of distributors and dealers in numerous countries, allowing customers from different regions to access their products easily. This global outreach has contributed significantly to Peli's reputation as a trusted and reliable brand worldwide.

7. Impact on Various Industries:
Peli Cases have made a profound impact on various industries that rely on the safe transport and storage of sensitive equipment. Industries such as filmmaking, photography, military and defense, aerospace, medical, oil and gas, outdoor and adventure, and emergency services have all benefitted from the protective capabilities of Peli Cases. The use of Peli's cases ensures that expensive and delicate equipment remains intact, reducing the risk of damage and downtime.

8. Conclusion:
Peli Cases' journey from a lighting equipment supplier to a global leader in protective case manufacturing demonstrates its unwavering commitment to providing top-notch products. Through continuous innovation, design excellence, and engineering expertise, Peli Cases has earned the trust and loyalty of customers across various industries. As the company continues to evolve and expand its product offerings, it remains an industry pioneer and a go-to solution for safeguarding valuable equipment and gear in some of the most challenging environments worldwide.

- Comprehensive Report on Flightcases

1. Introduction:
Flightcases are a type of specialized protective cases designed to transport and safeguard delicate and valuable equipment during travel, particularly in the music, entertainment, and touring industries. These cases are known for their robust construction, durable materials, and custom-fit foam interiors that provide secure and shock-absorbent enclosures. This report aims to provide a detailed overview of flightcases, covering their history, design and construction, key features, industry applications, advantages, and their impact on various sectors.

2. History and Evolution:
The concept of flightcases can be traced back to the early 20th century, where wooden crates were used to transport fragile equipment during air travel. However, the modern flightcases as we know them today emerged in the 1960s, with advancements in material technologies. The introduction of laminated plywood and aluminum extrusions revolutionized the construction of these cases, making them lighter, stronger, and more adaptable for various applications.

3. Design and Construction:
Flightcases are designed with durability and practicality in mind. The primary materials used in their construction are high-quality plywood or composite materials, such as ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) or polypropylene, which offer excellent impact resistance and structural integrity. The cases are reinforced with metal hardware, such as aluminum extrusions, ball corners, handles, and latches, which provide added strength and security.
The interiors of flightcases are lined with custom-cut foam inserts, designed to precisely fit the equipment being transported. This foam serves as a shock-absorbent cushion, protecting the contents from vibrations, impacts, and rough handling during transit. The foam interiors are often designed with removable layers to accommodate various equipment configurations.

4. Key Features:
Flightcases boast several key features that make them the preferred choice for transporting delicate equipment:
Protection: The rugged construction and custom-fit foam interiors provide excellent protection against shocks, vibrations, moisture, and dust.
Portability: Despite their robustness, flightcases are designed to be portable and easy to handle. They often come with built-in wheels and handles for convenient transportation.
Stackability: Flightcases are designed to be stackable, allowing for efficient storage and easy transport of multiple cases at once.
Customization: Flightcases can be customized to fit specific equipment dimensions and configurations, ensuring a perfect fit and maximum protection.
Security: Many flightcases feature reliable locking mechanisms to secure the contents during transport and storage.

5. Industry Applications:
Flightcases find extensive use in a variety of industries, including:
Music and Entertainment: Flightcases are widely used to transport musical instruments, audio equipment, DJ gear, and lighting fixtures for concerts, tours, and events.
Film and Television: Film and TV production crews rely on flightcases to protect cameras, lenses, monitors, and other delicate film equipment during on-location shoots.
Exhibitions and Trade Shows: Flightcases are employed to transport promotional materials, product samples, and exhibition displays to trade shows and events.
Medical and Scientific: Sensitive medical equipment, laboratory instruments, and research tools are safely transported in flightcases to ensure their integrity and accuracy.
Military and Defense: Flightcases are used to transport and protect communication equipment, electronics, and weapons for military operations.

6. Advantages of Flightcases:
The use of flightcases offers numerous advantages:
Damage Prevention: Flightcases significantly reduce the risk of damage to valuable equipment, thus saving costs on repairs or replacements.
Professional Image: For businesses in the entertainment and event industries, the use of flightcases enhances their professional image by demonstrating a commitment to equipment safety and reliability.
Ease of Transport: Flightcases' portability and stackability make them easy to load, unload, and transport between venues, saving time and effort.
Versatility: Flightcases can be customized to fit various types of equipment, providing a versatile solution for diverse applications.

7. Impact on Various Sectors:
The adoption of flightcases has had a profound impact on various sectors. For musicians and touring artists, flightcases ensure that their instruments and equipment remain in optimal condition, allowing them to deliver consistent performances. In the film and TV industry, flightcases protect expensive and sensitive equipment, preventing costly delays due to damage. The medical and scientific fields benefit from the precise transport of delicate instruments, avoiding potential research or treatment disruptions.

8. Conclusion:
Flightcases have emerged as indispensable tools for safeguarding valuable equipment across numerous industries. With their robust construction, custom-fit foam interiors, and user-friendly features, flightcases have revolutionized equipment transportation, ensuring that delicate items reach their destination in perfect condition. The ongoing evolution of flightcase design and materials continues to contribute to enhanced equipment protection and the efficiency of various sectors that rely on these specialized protective cases.

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