Montag, 31. Juli 2023

TEST: Pioneer RM-05

 Am I just imagining this, or have coaxial speaker systems become much more popular lately? In any case, the significantly increased selection of products speaks for it. The overall lower space requirement is also very popular, especially with small home studios. If then also a product line technically rather blank sheet, but economically a heavyweight like Pioneer takes on this system, the interest in the product increases again. In any case, the Japanese group has brought several near-field monitors onto the market with the RM series, with the Pioneer RM-05 being available for testing.


Like almost all current near-field monitors, the Pioneer RM-05 made in China is an active monitor. The tweeter and woofer are each fed 50 watts, with the crossover frequency being 1.7 kHz. A 5-inch aramid fiber woofer and a 1.5-inch aluminum hard dome tweeter are used, with the latter sitting behind a small grille for protection and surrounded by a subtle waveguide.

When the box is activated, a small white LED lights up on the front housing, which changes to red in the event of an overload. Speaking of the case, despite the comparatively small case dimensions of 203 mm x 281 mm x 225 mm, the asymmetrical case weighs a whopping 9.3 kilograms. This is due to the fact that the box is not made of MDF as usual, but of die-cast aluminum. This makes it almost impossible for resonance frequencies to oscillate. In addition, Pioneer installed the "AFAST" ("Acoustic Filter Assisted System Tuning") system, in which acoustic chambers were placed inside the housing, also with the aim of housing resonance damping. The asymmetrical housing also has the advantage that no standing waves can build up inside and there is no interference on the surface of the housing.

According to the manufacturer, the Pioneer RM-05 has a frequency response of 45 Hz - 50 kHz, which, however, corresponds to the typical calculation of all manufacturers of small monitors. As expected, nothing works for linear operation without a suitable subwoofer, which should take over from 60 Hz at the latest. The maximum sound pressure given by the manufacturer is 104 dB SPL Peak @ 1 m. The housing was designed as a bass reflex, with the opening on the front.


Turning the monitor opens up a wide range of control options, especially in the filter area. Generally unusual, Pioneer has installed 3 filter sections here, which, in addition to the treble at 10 kHz (+1dB, 0dB, -1dB, -2dB) and the bass at 50 Hz (+2dB, 0dB, -2dB, -4dB), also the mids Adjust 140 Hz (0dB, -1dB, -2dB, -4dB). A daring undertaking, since it is precisely the mids that decide the ultimate sound of a monitor. In my opinion, the selected frequency seems too low, but the listening test should show this later.

The professional variant in the form of XLR and the budget variant in the form of cinch are covered as connections, TRS plugs are searched for in vain. In addition, we also find the useful (and still ignored by many manufacturers) auto standby activation on the panel, the level control (0db to -40dB), the on/off switch, and the low-heat device socket along with a fine-wire fuse. Unfortunately, the level control has no grid, i. H. below 0dB the leveling of the panorama triangle is left to the subjective ear. The power-saving mode takes effect after about 25 minutes and reduces the power consumption to 0.3 watts.

Cooling fins were installed in the upper part of the housing, in which two threaded bushes were embedded. Obviously, these are used for possible wall mounting, but I could not find any accessories for this. If you decide to do this, you should choose the ultra-heavy variant, I would like to briefly refer to the leverage at almost 10 kilograms and a housing depth of over 20 centimeters.


Let's briefly review the advantages of a coaxial loudspeaker. Due to the common acoustic axis, there are only minimal runtime differences, coupled with high phase fidelity. In particular, this leads to a good, three-dimensional representation of the sound material. Exactly this can also be attested to the Pioneer RM-05. After I placed the pair on tripods, with all filters at zero and the volume at maximum, the system delivers a refreshingly precise stereo triangle, which is rather unusual for the housing size. The depth gradation is very good, paired with precise impulse reproduction. Due to the low weight, the woofer does not choke at high volumes and does not lose its orientation even with a comparatively large excursion.

However, what you immediately notice about the speaker is its primary area of application. It is not for nothing that the Pioneer RM-05 is listed by its parent company on the company website in the DJ products segment. First, the monitor is allowed to try a natural drum set, which was only recorded with 2 room microphones. This is where the Pioneer RM-05 can demonstrate its strengths directly in the form of spatial imaging. Even without filter adjustment, the sound is balanced for a monitor of this size, although a clear over-presence of the high mids between 4-5 kHz clearly stands out. However, this can be coped with with a softly recorded drum set, since the sound-defining frequencies are mostly played in other regions below and above the high mids.

Next comes an analog vintage drum loop with synthetic sound generation, a challenge for all impulse responses. Here, too, the Pioneer RM-05 holds up very well, although it is now clearly reaching its limits in the bass range. As expected, a subwoofer has to intervene in the sound, otherwise the monitor will run out of air. Nevertheless, the system can come up with an unexpectedly high volume, which you wouldn't believe the little dwarf is capable of. By slightly lowering the mids, there is also a pleasant low-mid relief, and I also have to lower the highs, otherwise the analogue hi-hat will hiss a lot. Also in this segment a good rating for the Pioneer RM-05.

Now we come to the other side of the coin. Complete tape recordings of a guitar-heavy band, not yet mastered. Now the monitor gets into an area that suits it less, which is mainly due to the strong high-mid range. If clean pop guitars still get going very well, the weak points of the monitor are exposed with the first overdrive. The more the guitars gain in distortion, the more edgy, biting the sound becomes and gets more and more into the "gets exhausting" area. Unfortunately, lowering the treble does not bring the desired effect either, since we are now more in the segment of the crash cymbals or the overtones of the vocals, which unfortunately is above the important guitar range. However, the center control cannot help us either, since with a center frequency of 140 Hz it leads to a purification in the electric bass range, but this time it falls below the guitar range.

In order to throw a few more sticks between the legs of this basic character, I now use a mastered final mix with a high proportion of high-gain guitars. It's finally the end of the day in the high-mid range. While kick and bass are still very concise, the snare wobbles in the alarmingly sharp range. If the guitars, which have their highly compressed peak at 3-5 kHz, start playing, the dome tweeter bites your ears so much that you are inclined to turn down the volume immediately. The sound is so sharp that editing a metal production is impossible.

However, this should not be seen as a devaluation, because the Pioneer RM-05's field of application was and has never been designed for this area. You can already tell from the filter selection which style of music the monitor wants to achieve, and it does that very well.


With the Pioneer RM-05, the Japanese company clearly focuses on the DJ area in all its facets. The monitor is impulse faithful, has a very good spatial resolution, is solidly processed and offers a good near-field monitor for home recording or the budget studio.

On the other hand, the latent high-mid range leads to a disqualification in the rock and heavy sector, where high-gain guitars in particular provide a sharp and biting sound. Everyone has to decide for themselves to what extent the monitor meets their personal taste, but a retail price of just under 500 euros per box means that the competition is not to be underestimated.

Additional Informations:

Comprehensive Report on Pioneer Audio

Introduction: Pioneer Audio is a renowned global company with a rich history in the audio industry. Since its inception, Pioneer has been at the forefront of innovation, consistently delivering high-quality audio products that have set new standards in the market. This report presents a comprehensive overview of Pioneer Audio, including its history, product range, technological advancements, market position, and corporate values.

2. Company Background: Pioneer Audio was founded in 1938 in Tokyo, Japan, by Nozomu Matsumoto, an audio enthusiast with a passion for creating superior audio experiences. Initially named Fukuin Shokai Denki Seisakusho, the company later became Pioneer Corporation. From its early days as a radio and speaker manufacturer, Pioneer rapidly expanded its product portfolio, becoming a global leader in audio technology.

3. Product Range: Pioneer Audio offers an extensive and diverse range of audio products, catering to audiophiles, car audio enthusiasts, and professional DJs. The company's product lineup includes:
a) Home Audio Systems: Pioneer's home audio systems feature high-fidelity stereo amplifiers, speakers, and AV receivers designed to deliver immersive sound for music and home theater enthusiasts.
b) Car Audio Systems: Pioneer is renowned for its car audio systems, offering car stereos, speakers, subwoofers, and amplifiers that provide exceptional sound quality and advanced connectivity options.
c) DJ Equipment: Pioneer's DJ equipment line includes industry-standard DJ controllers, mixers, turntables, and headphones, favored by professional DJs worldwide.
d) Headphones: Pioneer offers a diverse range of headphones, from studio monitors to wireless, noise-canceling models, catering to various audio preferences and lifestyles.
e) Professional Audio Equipment: Pioneer's professional audio equipment includes monitors, speakers, and mixers designed for use in studios, live performances, and events.

4. Technological Advancements: Pioneer Audio has a history of groundbreaking technological advancements, contributing to its status as an industry leader. Some notable technological achievements by Pioneer include:
a) Optical Disc Technology: Pioneer played a pivotal role in the development of optical disc technology, including the creation of the first LaserDisc player in the early 1980s.
b) Pioneering Car Audio Innovations: Pioneer introduced numerous first-of-their-kind innovations in car audio, such as the first car CD player, the first in-dash navigation system, and the first car DVD player.
c) High-Resolution Audio: Pioneer has been a proponent of high-resolution audio, producing products capable of reproducing audio at higher bit rates and sample rates, ensuring exceptional audio fidelity.
d) Wireless Connectivity: Pioneer has embraced wireless technologies, incorporating Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connectivity into its products for seamless audio streaming and control.

5. Market Position and Global Presence: Pioneer Audio has established a strong global presence, with subsidiaries, distributors, and authorized dealers in various countries. The brand's reputation for high-quality products, innovation, and reliable performance has earned it a significant market share in the audio industry.

6. Corporate Values and Customer Focus: Pioneer Audio values innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction. The company's commitment to understanding customer needs and preferences is evident in its product development, ensuring that each product aligns with users' requirements and preferences.

7. Awards and Recognition: Pioneer Audio's dedication to excellence has earned it numerous awards and accolades over the years. These accolades recognize the company's exceptional audio products and technological advancements.

8. Sustainable Practices: Pioneer Audio emphasizes environmental responsibility and sustainability. The company implements eco-friendly manufacturing practices and strives to reduce its carbon footprint throughout the product life cycle.

9. Conclusion: In conclusion, Pioneer Audio stands as an iconic brand in the audio industry, with a legacy of innovation, technological advancements, and commitment to delivering premium audio experiences. With a diverse product range, global market presence, and a focus on customer satisfaction, Pioneer Audio continues to shape the audio industry, catering to the needs of audiophiles, car audio enthusiasts, and professional musicians worldwide.

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