Donnerstag, 27. Juli 2023

TEST: Peavey JD Omniac

 My god, how long has the Peavey company been around? That must be decades, since the company around namesake Hartley Peavey was already a household name when I was young. At that time, Peavey had a reputation like Dynacord in this country, i.e. covering the entire product range, from the small suitcase amp to the extensive vocal system. In his time, however, Peavey became known primarily through the sometimes quite extensive backlines of the southern rock combos, which were extremely successful in the States, such as MOLLY HATCHET or 38 SPECIAL. While almost the entire rock landscape in Europe was firmly in the Marshall grip, in the former Confederate strongholds piled up on the stages with hitherto unknown stacks and combos.

The fact that Peavey can now also build first-class guitars and basses is not only known since the collaboration with Eddie van Halen, but the trademark is not directly associated with instrument building, especially in Europe. The two "Godfathers-Of-Electric-Guitar" and their successful nephews in the style of PRS were and are too powerful to give Peavey an international piece of the American cake.

With the JD Omniac, Peavey could earn another bonus point, as the Americans were able to secure Jerry Donahue as an endorser a few years ago. Still traded as an insider tip in Europe, said Mr. Donahue has a veritable reputation in Telecaster circles and was also able to score internationally with the formation "The Hellcasters".


If you look at the instrument for the first time, you need about 1 second to guess the father of the JD-Omniac. Form and concept reveal said Telecaster as a godfather, but without being dismissed as a mere copy. Many details have been tailored to the artist, but are clearly in the tradition of the first industrially manufactured series electric guitar in the world.

The body of the guitar is made of two parts of ash, with a larger main part covering approx. 80% of the body area and a smaller strip taking over the upper area. The body is framed in one piece, opaque high-gloss black on the sides and painted in blueburst on the front and back. Alternatively, the instrument is also available in the colors Sunburst or Vintage Natural.

The neck was screwed to the body with 5 (!) screws countersunk in the body, with a soft rounding of the body below the neck foot significantly increasing the playing comfort in the high registers. The neck was milled from a piece of bird's eye maple and shows clear concessions to the artist. On the one hand, we have a very strongly curved fretboard, which makes playing chords much easier, but at the expense of the string action and an extravagant V-shaping, which might take some getting used to for one or the other.

If you like to use the thumb of the gripping hand to help form chords, this shaping is indeed a very good profile, since the lower part of the V presses exactly into the depression between thumb and forefinger and thus ensures optimal grip. However, those who prefer the thumb-on-the-back-of-the-neck fingering may experience some problems with the shaping. Conclusion: try it!

The scale of the instrument is 25 1/2 inches, while the neck is equipped in Tele tradition with only 21 vintage frets. A Seymour Duncan Jerry Donahue Signature pickup is used in the bridge position and a Custum Seymour Duncan in the neck position. In addition to the three standard configurations in positions 1, 3 and 5, a five-way switch provides a phase reversal in position 2 plus capacitor insert and in position 4 a more "muffled jazz sound". A volume and a tone control round off the electronics.

Another special feature is the bridge construction of the Omniac. Also in the Telecaster tradition, the 2-string per rider construction was implemented, which puts the tradition above the adjustment options. Inheritance or not, with a standard set of strings with non-wound G-strings, flawless octave purity cannot be implemented with this bridge construction! However, the fact that it is made of brass makes up for this, in my opinion, unnecessary commitment to tradition, as the tone of the string also comes across extremely soft and warm due to the relatively soft and heavy metal.


As soon as you pick up the instrument, you suddenly realize that this is a genuine signature instrument. Why? Well, every artist has a very special relationship with their instrument and secretly wishes for one or the other change to intensify it. Or he (had) an instrument that has these components and may no longer own this instrument, or it is unplayable due to external influences.

If you now go and instruct a manufacturer to produce such an optimized instrument, the result can be unusual, sometimes crude, but rarely pure mainstream. This is also the case with the JD Omniac. Mr. Donahue must have given very detailed specifications, since the general handling and especially the neck shaping set a completely unique direction.

The general trend towards the Telecaster can be felt in every fibre, but not without bringing its own component or improvement into play. In particular, the Seymour Duncan pickups leave an excellent impression. Attack, liveliness and assertiveness are at the highest level and add value to the construction.


Even if the world of electric guitars has drawn attention to itself in recent years, primarily due to a confusing flood of mainstream Chinese copies selling for less than €100, they still exist, the sometimes unknown pearls of the guitar guild , far away from the pure fixation on the fast euro. The Peavey JD Omniac is definitely one of them.

The JD Omniac is an instrument for specialists, which is guaranteed to polarize the user group due to various components such as neck shaping, bridge construction and other small things. However, those who were influenced by the Telecaster in terms of playing technique will know the feeling of "fighting" with their instrument and will certainly develop a more direct approach to the Omniac.

Other guitarists are also encouraged to take a look at the instrument, excellent clean sounds, excellent pickups and very good components make up for the handling that takes some getting used to and dry the tears of the shredder howling attacks about the unexpected incompetence in terms of tone shaping ;-)

The traditional fingerpicker to the country rocker, however, will not want to put the instrument aside, as it has exactly the components that you may have been waiting for years.

Additional Informations:

- Peavey Electronics Corporation - A Comprehensive Company Overview
Introduction: Peavey Electronics Corporation, commonly known as Peavey, is an iconic American manufacturer of musical instruments, audio equipment, and professional sound systems. Founded by Hartley Peavey in 1965, the company has grown from humble beginnings in a small Mississippi basement to become a globally recognized brand in the music industry. With an unwavering commitment to innovation, quality, and affordability, Peavey has consistently delivered products that cater to musicians, sound professionals, and audio enthusiasts alike. This comprehensive report delves into the history, products, contributions, and impact of Peavey in the world of music and sound.

Historical Background: Peavey Electronics Corporation was established in 1965 by Hartley Peavey, a young entrepreneur with a passion for electronics and music. The company's foundation was laid in Meridian, Mississippi, where Hartley started repairing and building audio equipment in his parents' basement. He was determined to create products that were not only exceptional in performance but also accessible to musicians of all levels. This vision became the cornerstone of Peavey's success.

2. Product Line: Peavey offers a diverse range of products that cater to various segments of the music and sound industry. Some of their key product categories include:

2.1 Musical Instruments: Peavey manufactures a wide array of musical instruments, including electric guitars, bass guitars, acoustic guitars, and drums. Their instruments are known for their robust build quality, great playability, and affordability, making them popular choices for both beginners and seasoned musicians.

2.2 Audio Equipment: Peavey's audio equipment division produces a vast range of amplifiers, mixers, speakers, and signal processors. Their amplifiers, in particular, have garnered a reputation for their reliability and power, making them a staple in live sound applications and recording studios.

2.3 Professional Sound Systems: Peavey is also a significant player in the professional sound system market, offering solutions for large-scale events, installations, and concert venues. Their line array systems and loudspeakers are renowned for their performance and clarity.
2.4 Specialty Products: Apart from musical instruments and audio equipment, Peavey has diversified its product offerings to include other items such as lighting systems, microphones, and specialty audio gear, further solidifying its presence in the professional audio industry.

3. Technological Innovations: Peavey's commitment to innovation has been a driving force behind its enduring success. Throughout its history, the company has introduced numerous groundbreaking technologies to the market. One notable example is the "TransTube" technology, introduced in the 1980s. This innovation allowed solid-state amplifiers to emulate the warm and rich tones of tube amplifiers, revolutionizing the guitar amp industry and earning Peavey immense praise from musicians worldwide.

4. Contributions to the Music Industry: Peavey's impact on the music industry extends beyond their products. The company has played a vital role in promoting music education and supporting aspiring musicians. They have actively sponsored various music programs, contests, and events, fostering the growth of musical talent across different genres.

5. Global Reach and Market Presence: Over the years, Peavey has expanded its reach and established a global presence. Their products are sold in numerous countries through a network of authorized dealers and distributors. Additionally, Peavey maintains a strong online presence, making their products accessible to customers worldwide.

6. Endorsements and Artist Relations: Peavey's reputation for producing reliable and quality gear has attracted endorsements from many prominent musicians and bands. Over the years, numerous artists, including renowned guitarists, bassists, and vocalists, have chosen Peavey products as an integral part of their sound.

7. Sustainability Initiatives: Peavey has taken steps to promote sustainability and environmental responsibility in their operations. The company has implemented eco-friendly practices in manufacturing, packaging, and waste management, aiming to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute positively to the environment.

Conclusion: Peavey Electronics Corporation has undoubtedly left an indelible mark on the music and sound industry. From its humble beginnings in a basement to becoming a global leader, Peavey's commitment to innovation, quality, and affordability has resonated with musicians, sound professionals, and audio enthusiasts worldwide. Their diverse product line, technological advancements, and contributions to music education have cemented their position as an iconic and influential player in the world of music and sound. With a legacy of success and a dedication to progress, Peavey continues to shape the industry and inspire musicians for generations to come.

- Hartley Peavey - A Visionary in the Music Industry
Introduction: Hartley Peavey, the founder of Peavey Electronics Corporation, is a pioneering entrepreneur and visionary in the music industry. His journey from a young electronics enthusiast to a renowned leader in manufacturing musical instruments and audio equipment is nothing short of remarkable. This comprehensive report explores the life, accomplishments, and impact of Hartley Peavey on the music industry and his lasting legacy.

Early Life and Passion for Electronics: Hartley Peavey was born on April 18, 1941, in Meridian, Mississippi. From an early age, he showed a keen interest in electronics and music. Growing up in a musical family, he developed a deep appreciation for the art of sound and a curiosity for how audio equipment worked.

2. The Foundation of Peavey Electronics Corporation: In 1965, at the age of 24, Hartley Peavey founded Peavey Electronics Corporation. His vision was to create high-quality, reliable, and affordable audio equipment that would be accessible to musicians at all levels. Armed with determination and an entrepreneurial spirit, Peavey started building and repairing amplifiers in his parents' basement.

3. The TransTube Technology Breakthrough: In the 1980s, Peavey introduced a groundbreaking technology known as "TransTube." This innovation allowed solid-state amplifiers to replicate the warm, harmonic characteristics of tube amplifiers, previously thought to be achievable only with costly vacuum tubes. The TransTube technology revolutionized the guitar amplifier industry, making Peavey amplifiers highly sought after by musicians seeking professional sound at an affordable price.

4. Expanding Product Line and Global Reach: Under Hartley Peavey's leadership, the company expanded its product line to include a wide range of musical instruments, professional sound systems, audio equipment, and specialty gear. Peavey's commitment to innovation and quality resulted in a global presence, with the company's products being sold in numerous countries through a network of authorized dealers and distributors.

5. Contributions to Music Education: Throughout his career, Hartley Peavey has been a strong advocate for music education. He recognized the importance of fostering musical talent and supporting aspiring musicians. Peavey actively sponsored music programs, contests, and events, contributing to the growth of musical education and creativity.

6. Endorsements and Artist Relations: Peavey's dedication to manufacturing reliable and high-quality gear earned the company endorsements from numerous prominent musicians and bands. Renowned guitarists, bassists, vocalists, and other musicians chose Peavey products for their performances, further solidifying the brand's reputation in the music industry.

7. A Legacy of Innovation and Sustainability: Hartley Peavey's emphasis on innovation has been the driving force behind the company's success. He instilled a culture of continuous research and development, pushing the boundaries of audio technology. Additionally, Peavey Electronics Corporation embraced sustainable practices, implementing eco-friendly initiatives in manufacturing, packaging, and waste management.

8. Recognition and Awards: Hartley Peavey's contributions to the music industry have not gone unnoticed. Throughout his career, he received numerous accolades and awards, recognizing his entrepreneurial spirit, innovation, and commitment to music education.

9. Impact on the Music Industry: Hartley Peavey's legacy extends beyond the products of his company. By democratizing access to high-quality audio equipment, he empowered musicians of all levels to achieve professional sound. Peavey's amplifiers, musical instruments, and sound systems have left an indelible mark on stages, studios, and music education institutions worldwide.

10. Conclusion: Hartley Peavey's journey from a young electronics enthusiast to a visionary leader in the music industry is an inspiring tale of passion, innovation, and dedication. His commitment to manufacturing high-quality, affordable audio equipment and promoting music education has transformed the lives of countless musicians and enriched the global music community. As his legacy continues to resonate through Peavey Electronics Corporation, Hartley Peavey's impact on the music industry remains an enduring testament to the power of creativity and entrepreneurship.

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