Sonntag, 16. Juli 2023

TEST: Palmer Pocket Amp MK II

 I admit, I've always been a big fan of the Swiss Army Knives, those folding wonders, which to this day can only be made by 2 manufacturers in Switzerland and, as far as I know, have not yet been outsourced to China for production. The installation of several useful tools in the smallest of spaces has always fascinated me and will probably remain so for the rest of my life. Why do I have to think of this preference in the following test of the Palmer Pocket Amp MK 2? The following test will prove it.


Old-school Palmer fans will rub their eyes a little when they first come into contact with the pedal. A designation such as "Pocket Amp MK 2" seems quite conservative, almost conservative, compared to the sonorous product selection of the company based in Neu-Anspach near Frankfurt in the style of "Mutterstolz", "Frohlocker" or "Herrenchor". However, one should keep in mind that the creative neologisms are individual pedals, while the pocket amp, as already mentioned at the beginning, takes on the function of a multi-tool, which no single description, no matter how funny, would do justice.

In terms of workmanship, Palmer once again leaves nothing to be desired. Even if the product, which used to be manufactured in Germany, is now assembled in China, the high quality standards have not changed. The Palmer Pocket Amp MK 2 appears in a solid metal housing, a continuous rubber plate on the underside of the housing, which protects against slipping on smooth surfaces and a consistently clean finish. The tough road operation is secured!

Let's take a typical situation description of the touring musician, songwriter or simply the "working musician". Busy musicians are characterized, among other things, by a lively activity in matters of travel and transport. Of course, the league Steve Vai and colleagues have a sizable staff of entourage who not only maintain, manage and transport every tool of the artist's trade, but also ensure that the tool you need is at hand exactly when you need it. Such a way of working is pleasant, easy on the nerves and costs a lot of money! The economically thinking artist, on the other hand, is always happy about tools that offer the greatest possible gain in sound and flexibility with minimal dimensions and as few compromises in sound as possible.

The Palmer Pocket Amp MK 2 was designed for exactly this area, which is a rich tool for electric guitarists with a complex mixture of different circuits. Let's take a look at the individual functions in detail.

1.) Overdrive and distortion pedal: With the controls gain, volume, bass and treble in combination with a bypass footswitch, the Palmer Pocket Amp MK 2 works as a classic overdrive and distortion pedal on the musician's pedalboard. Depending on the choice of amp and mode (more on this later), the pedal has a large selection of distorted sounds as a pre-connected effect to start the respective amp accordingly. Power is supplied via a 9V battery, which is accessible via a flap on the underside of the housing, or via a DC socket on the back of the housing. The input and output sockets are designed as jacks.

2.) Direct Recording Amp: The Palmer company has a long tradition of speaker simulations, so it is not surprising that the Palmer Pocket Amp MK 2 also has one. In order to facilitate direct feeding into a corresponding console, the signal is routed via XLR on the back of the housing. Three amp simulations Vintage (Tweed era), British (Marshall Style), US (Mesa Boogie), three modes (Clean-Cruch-Heavy) and three microphone angles Classic (edge of the dome), Center (dome in the middle) and OFF X (edge of the membrane) allow a wide range of sounds, for example to play directly into the computer for demo recordings or songwriting.

3.) Live Amp: The functions described under 2.) can of course be used for a live situation in which the sound is delivered to the artist via the monitor system or personal in-ear monitoring.

4.) Practice amplifier: The Palmer Pocket Amp MK 2 has a mini-jack headphone output for silent practice and a mini-jack AUX In to feed in a metronome, drum machine or MP3 player. In combination with the sounds described above, you can put together your personal exercise program.

5.) Reamping: A tool that is now popular for guitar recording is reamping, which does not record the finished microphoned guitar sound, but only the clean guitar signal. The signal is then fed out of the computer again, so that it can then be picked up again by the appropriate amp. In this process, it is extremely important at what level the signal is present at the amplifier. The signal can be optimally processed via the volume control of the Palmer Pocket Amp MK 2 and, if necessary, enriched accordingly via gain and the two-band tone control.

6.) DI Box: Thanks to the XLR output, you can also use the Palmer Pocket Amp MK 2 as a D.I. Use the box between the instrument and the amplifier. Even if this area of application is rarely used in the guitar sector, your bass player will be happy. Especially in the live area, a bass pickup via a D.I. Box actually standard, so that you can get a symmetrical signal here without much effort.


To say it straight away, the concept of the Palmer Pocket Amp MK 2 lies in the combination of many elements in a single housing. So if, for example, you now expect the same speaker simulation as in a specialist with three times the price, you are doing the product more than wrong.

Let's just start with the pedal function. One of the things that stands out here is the very low background noise level. No matter how far you drive the gain controller towards the stop, you only hear a very small amount of noise in the background. The different combinations of the sliders allow a corresponding number of basic sounds to be called up, which play out their different strengths depending on the amplifier used.

I particularly like the Palmer Pocket Amp MK 2 on a comparatively random-sounding practice amp, which has 27 different sounds with the help of the pedal, which can then be varied again using the gain controller and the two-band tone control. That makes practicing fun again. Variety of sounds without having to heave the half stack out of the basement, a pleasure.

As soon as you connect the product to the mixing console via XLR, you can see that Palmer has the relevant experience in speaker simulation. As expected, the openness of the sound decreases somewhat compared to the live pedal function, but it is still far ahead of the products of various competitors. The designations of the different amp modes are really okay for a pocket amp, you should only rely more on your own ears when it comes to the microphone positions.

The center setting, which is mostly unusable in "real" microphone practice, sounds unexpectedly good with the Palmer Pocket Amp MK 2 without the unspeakable scratching, while the Classic position, which is mostly used live, is somewhat thinned out with the Palmer Pocket Amp MK 2 and lacks the typical mid-range component . The same can be balanced with a good EQ on the mixer.


The Palmer Pocket Amp MK 2 is a real asset when it comes to great variety in a minimum of space. The very well processed pedal offers a large selection of good sounds, which do an excellent job in the different live, studio and practice situations.

Whether you want a very good practice amp on tour, want to quickly play a few ideas into the computer, or the personal 5-watt practice noise needs a sound upgrade, the Palmer Pocket Amp MK 2 can do it. And the pedal always sounds better than the amp simulations that Logic, for example, expects in its factory settings.

We recommend!

Additional Informations:

Comprehensive Report on Palmer Audio: A Leading Audio Equipment Manufacturer

Palmer Audio is a renowned company that specializes in the design, production, and distribution of high-quality audio equipment. Founded in 1980, the company has consistently delivered innovative products and exceptional customer service, establishing itself as a leading player in the audio industry. This report provides an in-depth analysis of Palmer Audio, including its history, product range, manufacturing processes, market presence, and future prospects.

Company History and Background:
Palmer Audio was established by Mr. John Palmer in 1980. Initially, the company focused on providing audio solutions for local recording studios and musicians. Over the years, Palmer Audio expanded its operations and diversified its product range to cater to a broader consumer base. Today, the company serves various industries, including recording studios, live performances, broadcast, and home audio.

Product Range:
Palmer Audio offers a wide array of audio equipment that encompasses professional audio tools and accessories. The company's product range includes:

a) Audio Interfaces: Palmer Audio manufactures high-quality audio interfaces that enable seamless audio signal transfer between various devices, such as computers, mixers, and speakers. These interfaces are designed to deliver superior sound quality and low latency, making them suitable for both studio and live applications.

b) DI Boxes: Palmer Audio is renowned for its extensive line of DI (Direct Injection) boxes. These devices are used to connect instruments, such as guitars, basses, and keyboards, directly to audio systems. Palmer Audio's DI boxes are known for their robust construction, exceptional signal clarity, and noise reduction capabilities.

c) Speaker Simulators: The company also specializes in designing speaker simulators, which allow guitarists and bassists to capture the sound characteristics of different speakers and cabinets. Palmer Audio's simulators offer a versatile range of tonal options, ensuring an authentic and customizable sound experience.

d) Effect Pedals: Palmer Audio manufactures a range of effect pedals that cater to the needs of musicians and audio enthusiasts. These pedals include overdrive, distortion, modulation, and delay effects, among others. Palmer Audio's effect pedals are highly regarded for their durability, versatility, and premium sound quality.

e) Cable Solutions and Accessories: In addition to its core product offerings, Palmer Audio provides a comprehensive range of cables, connectors, and other audio accessories. These products are designed to deliver reliable connections and enhance overall audio performance.

Manufacturing Processes and Quality Control:
Palmer Audio maintains stringent manufacturing processes to ensure the production of high-quality audio equipment. The company leverages advanced technologies and precision engineering techniques throughout its manufacturing facilities. Each product undergoes rigorous quality control tests and inspections at various stages of the production process to ensure adherence to strict performance standards. Palmer Audio's commitment to quality has earned the trust of professionals worldwide.

Market Presence and Customer Base:
Palmer Audio has a strong presence in both domestic and international markets. The company's products are widely distributed through authorized dealers, online platforms, and retail outlets. Palmer Audio has developed a loyal customer base comprising professional musicians, audio engineers, recording studios, and enthusiasts. The company's commitment to delivering reliable and innovative audio solutions has contributed to its growing market share and positive reputation within the industry.

Research and Development:
Palmer Audio emphasizes continuous research and development (R&D) to stay at the forefront of audio technology. The company invests significant resources in exploring new sound technologies, improving product performance, and addressing customer feedback. By closely monitoring industry trends and customer demands, Palmer Audio consistently introduces new and innovative products to meet evolving market needs.

Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility:
Palmer Audio recognizes the importance of sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR). The company actively implements eco-friendly practices in its manufacturing processes and packaging materials. Moreover, Palmer Audio supports local communities through various initiatives, including educational programs, partnerships with nonprofit organizations, and sponsorships of music-related events.

Future Prospects:
Palmer Audio is well-positioned for future growth and success in the competitive audio equipment industry. The company's commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction provides a strong foundation for its expansion plans. Palmer Audio aims to continue introducing cutting-edge products, expanding its market reach, and strengthening its partnerships with industry professionals and organizations.

Palmer Audio's rich history, diverse product range, commitment to quality, and market presence make it a leading player in the audio equipment industry. With its innovative solutions and customer-centric approach, the company is poised to maintain its reputation as a trusted brand among professionals and enthusiasts alike. As technology and consumer demands evolve, Palmer Audio's dedication to delivering exceptional audio experiences ensures its continued success in the market.

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