Dienstag, 4. Juli 2023

TEST: Mesa Boogie Transatlantic TA-15

 Even if one may hardly believe it, also the anachronists among the instrumentalists, meaning the six-string guild, sometimes submit to fashion trends, even if they do not come along as strikingly as for example the keyboard faction. At the moment, for example, the "dwarf full tube" department in the single-digit performance range is more popular than ever.

Cute little bricks, some of which only come with up to one volume control, form a middle ground between work tool, practice amp and fun kazak, which on the one hand have found their place in the sound chain of the musician, but on the other hand also quickly reach their technical limits. Even if purists can achieve acceptable results with only a passable sound and a tasteful handling of the volume control of the guitar, respectively the use of various pedals, the "real" use of the small amps in the rehearsal room, studio or but a small stage are clearly limited.

And once again it is Mesa, which sends a team of engineers into the development labs to give a meaningful trend a few extra points and to lead a product into far more areas of application than it appears at first glance. Our test product listens to the name TA-15 and is preparing to conquer the pole position in the smallest top parts.


Sometimes one is inclined to think that the Californian company, like Apple, employs as many designers as technicians. As is almost always the case with Mesa, the product already flatters the user's eye when unpacked. A tasteful black and silver mix of metal, glass and plastic immediately conveys that this is a different price league than the 5-Watt Asians.

Technically, the TA-15 is a true two-channeler, but not without a few Mesa goodies in the bag. With a weight of just under 6 kilograms, the Head is ready to live up to its name, since the designation "Transatlantic" does not stand for nothing for a kind of travel amp, which can also be carried in hand luggage. In addition, the head is supplied with a well lined protective cover. However, the operating voltage can not be switched to 110 volts, which means that jetting back and forth between America and Europe and use the same amp without an external voltage transformer is unfortunately left out.

Operationally, the TA-15 draws directly times from the full. Its 5 pieces 12AX7 preamp respectively 2 pieces EL 84 power tubes can be operated as follows:

Single-ended Class A operation / one power tube active with 5 watts output power
Push-pull Class A operation / both power tubes active with 15 Watt output power
Class AB operation / both end tubes active with 25 watts output power

In addition, the two different channels can be assigned the different power amp operating states, which increases the amp's flexibility immensely. In the middle of the front panel, the respective operating states can be assigned individually with mini-switches. In addition, further switches can be used for manual channel selection, activation of the included footswitch (4.5 meter cable included) and various sound modes.

Channel 1 can be identified very easily by its designations. Designations like Top Boost and Cut let any experienced guitarist know which amp Mesa is trying to copy here. It's nice that Mesa doesn't even try to hide the simulation of the VOX AC30, but has openly adopted the names in a kind of homage. Volume, bass, treble and cut are available as controls, whereby the cut control is designed as a push/pull control and also provides the master volume of channel one.

Channel two, on the other hand, is based on the three other great protagonists of the all-tube world. With "Tweed" the Fender comparison is also open on the plate, HI-1 flirts with the second great British name Marshall, while HI-2 feasts on its own virtues from the Boogie era. Well, best-of-both-worlds, let's see how close you can get to the originals.

The rear panel is very spartan, a power plug, two speaker outs (8 and 4 ohms) and an unpleasantly protruding fuse holder, which under unfavorable circumstances can tend to snap off. With such a high expenditure, the interior of the case is correspondingly cramped. In terms of workmanship, however, Mesa has done its homework as always, high-quality components in perfect workmanship line the American manufacturing.


If you want to reproduce the four big names of amplifier technology as authentically as possible, you will only succeed if you have some background knowledge of the original amplifiers. Running an AC30 in Class AB technology, for example, would be completely counterproductive. So let's take a classic approach, set channel 1 to 15 watts, normal mode and let it come slowly. This sounds very much like the British forefather. Now adjust the tone control a little, little bass and slightly "nagging" treble, ready is the British clean sound with a tendency to crunch.

At Top Boost, the hollow midrange with its pronounced "squawk" comes even better to the fore. Even if Mesa meets the AC30 very well, the tone control is still Mesa, that is, much more effective than the model. This has advantages and disadvantages depending on your preferences, but does not change the fact that the channel sounds very good. Channel 2 is crisper from the start. In tweed mode, the TA-15 comes close to the Fender clan, but not as close as the AC30. Just because of the different power amp tubes to the original, you shouldn't expect too much in terms of depth and warmth, but if you part with the copyist notion, you have a good sounding clean/crunch channel with a sound of its own.

In HI-1 mode, the TA-15 now clearly adds a shovel of dirt. From the start, there is more gain involved, all very bony, British, far from any whitewashing. Again, the EL84s in the power amp keep the characteristic upper hand and let the artist fight for every note. Very nice in its basic design, but only for artists with self-confidence. HI-2 steps up a notch here and shifts the sound spectrum a bit more into the treble range. However, the basic character is not as hoped to be classified in the classic boogie-metier. Neither the gain range, nor the soft decay with endless sustain can be achieved with the TA-15. Again, it's primarily the end tubes that can't quite make up for the depth. Here external pedals would have to bring the decisive gain share.


The TA-15 is a small calf biter with a wide range of sounds in a small space. The amp sounds very independent, is perfectly processed and has all the trademarks that have helped Mesa to worldwide reputation. However, those who expected to get a Rectifier in small should bend their expectations to reality, this is not possible with this design.

Also the exuberant joy on an all-tube emulation amp should be looked at realistically, it is simply not possible to recreate 4 contrasting power amp designs with EL84 tubes. As expected, channel 1 could therefore convince me the most. However, if you have found your sound and want to transport your amp on the parcel shelf, the TA-15 is the right choice.

How often have I wished to be able to take my own amp as hand luggage on the plane and not have to use completely worn out JCM 800 festival equipment on site ...

Additional Informations:

Mesa Boogie: Redefining the Sound of Rock Amplification
Introduction: Mesa Boogie, also known as Mesa Engineering, is an iconic American company renowned for its high-quality guitar amplifiers and innovative designs. Founded in 1969 by Randall Smith, Mesa Boogie has been at the forefront of amplifier technology, pushing boundaries and shaping the sound of rock music. This comprehensive report explores the rich history, notable achievements, and enduring legacy of Mesa Boogie.
Pioneering Amplifier Designs: Randall Smith's passion for guitar amplification led him to develop groundbreaking designs that would revolutionize the industry. Mesa Boogie introduced the world's first high-gain amplifier, the Mark I, in 1971. This innovative design provided guitarists with a new level of distortion and overdrive, giving birth to the "California sound" that became synonymous with Mesa Boogie amplifiers.

Signature Features and Tone: Mesa Boogie amplifiers are celebrated for their distinctive sound and unique features. The company's trademark "Multi-Watt" power amp technology allows players to adjust the wattage output, providing versatility for different playing environments. Additionally, the inclusion of adjustable graphic equalizers, independent channel switching, and various preamp and power tube options enable guitarists to shape their desired tone with precision.

Versatile Amplifier Models: Mesa Boogie offers a wide range of amplifier models, each catering to different musical styles and preferences. From the legendary Dual Rectifier series, known for its high-gain prowess, to the more vintage-inspired Mark series, and the versatile and compact Recto-Verb and Express series, Mesa Boogie provides options for guitarists across genres such as rock, metal, blues, and jazz.

Endorsements and Influence: Mesa Boogie amplifiers have garnered a loyal following among professional musicians. Numerous legendary guitarists, including Carlos Santana, John Petrucci, Keith Richards, and Eddie Van Halen, have relied on Mesa Boogie amps to shape their signature tones and deliver powerful performances. These endorsements and collaborations have solidified Mesa Boogie's influence and reputation in the music industry.

Studio-Quality Recording and Live Performance: Mesa Boogie amplifiers are renowned for their studio-quality sound reproduction, making them a preferred choice for both recording studios and live performances. The amplifiers' ability to capture the nuances of a player's performance and deliver articulate tones with exceptional clarity has made them a staple in professional studios and on stages worldwide.

Innovation and Technological Advancements: Mesa Boogie has consistently pushed the boundaries of amplifier technology. The company was one of the pioneers in introducing tube-driven effects loops, providing guitarists with greater flexibility in integrating external effects pedals. Mesa Boogie has also embraced digital technology with the introduction of their line of CabClone cabinet simulators and the innovative Rectifier Recording Preamp, combining classic analog sound with modern convenience.

Customization and Handcrafted Excellence: Mesa Boogie's commitment to craftsmanship and customization sets them apart from other amplifier manufacturers. The company offers various options for customizing amplifier configurations, allowing musicians to tailor their amps to their specific preferences. Each amplifier is handcrafted with meticulous attention to detail, ensuring the highest standards of quality and performance.

Global Reach and Legacy: Mesa Boogie amplifiers have achieved worldwide recognition and are utilized by professional musicians and enthusiasts in every corner of the globe. The company's commitment to innovation, tonal excellence, and meticulous craftsmanship has earned them a lasting legacy as one of the most influential and respected amplifier manufacturers in the history of rock music.

When it comes to comparing the sound of a Mesa Boogie amplifier with other amplifiers, it's important to note that the sonic characteristics of amplifiers can vary significantly based on various factors such as the model, design, and specific components used. However, Mesa Boogie amplifiers have a distinct sonic signature that sets them apart from many other amplifiers on the market.

Mesa Boogie amplifiers are known for their exceptional clarity, tight low-end response, and a rich harmonic complexity. They offer a balanced and focused tone with a generous amount of gain, making them highly suitable for rock, metal, and other high-gain genres. The high-gain channels of Mesa Boogie amps often provide a tight, punchy distortion that retains note definition even at high volume levels.

In comparison to some other amplifier brands, Mesa Boogie amplifiers are often praised for their versatility. They excel at producing both pristine cleans and high-gain distortion, allowing guitarists to cover a wide range of musical styles with a single amplifier. Mesa Boogie amps also have highly responsive EQ controls, allowing players to shape their tone with precision and dial in the desired amount of warmth, presence, and mid-range emphasis.

When compared to more vintage-inspired amplifiers, Mesa Boogie amplifiers often offer a more modern, hi-fi tonal character. While vintage-style amps may have a warmer and smoother tone, Mesa Boogie amps typically deliver a tighter low-end response and a more aggressive, cutting midrange that suits modern rock and metal styles.

It's worth noting that comparing the sound of different amplifiers is subjective and can vary based on personal preferences and playing styles. Some players may prefer the warm, vintage-inspired tones of certain brands, while others may gravitate towards the articulate, high-gain sound of Mesa Boogie amplifiers. Ultimately, it's essential for guitarists to try out different amplifiers themselves to determine which one best suits their playing style and tonal preferences.

Conclusion: Mesa Boogie has significantly shaped the sound of rock music through their innovative amplifier designs, distinctive tones, and commitment to quality craftsmanship. With a legacy spanning over five decades, the company's amplifiers continue to inspire and empower guitarists with their versatility, sonic capabilities, and unwavering dedication to pushing the boundaries of amplifier technology. Mesa Boogie remains a cornerstone of the rock music industry, delivering the power, clarity, and tonal excellence that musicians crave.

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