Sonntag, 16. Juli 2023

TEST: Palmer Drei

 Palmer Three. It is very rare for a company to be able to guess the manufacturer simply by giving the product name. Even more rarely is this achieved by a targeted choice of words in the German-speaking world, so when it comes to marketing, the company Palmer, which is based in Neu-Anspach near Frankfurt, deserves an extra point. Whether it's "Mutterstolz", "Frohlocker" or "Herrenchor", the primarily Germanic naming style not only makes you smile in a relaxed way, but also always arouses more interest in the products than comparatively meaningless names like 2210 or MD410.

With the Model Three, Palmer is now conceptually advancing into a niche that, to my knowledge, has not yet been occupied at all. "Great words", I can already hear the first skeptics saying, "what should be designed in an amplifier, which has not been designed by someone before on this planet?". You will be surprised, it is the concept that counts.


To appreciate the true innovation of the Palmer Three, you have to backtrack a bit. We all know how complex and exceedingly varied the subjective perception of a good sound is among guitarists. While the ambitious bluesman considers the subtle saturation of the tube power amp with a hint of crunch to be the grace of God, the black metal faction seeks to set new records in half-wave clipping every day with the greatest possible amount of gain. Conclusion: Black Metal Grunzi considers authentic blues sound to be eggless plucking, while "I Woke Up This Morning" Billy dubs Grunzi's low-frequency megacompression as acoustic pollution. As an aside, the fusion freak from the second floor considers both representatives harmonic nihilists and firmly believes that only he knows the perfect essence of the ultimate sound of a guitar.

Detached from the fact that the choice of instrument is a very personal one, the amplifier receives the most attention in terms of sound. Of course, there is now a suitable amp for every style, were it not for the problem that almost all amplifiers in the upper price range have ONE official sound, while deviations from this are accompanied by more or less severe losses. The majority of manufacturers meet this phenomenon with several channels, which primarily take the mode of operation of the preamplifier and tone control in the duty, while the power amplifier, once determined in terms of tube selection, does its job and contributes to the ONE official sound. As is well known, the basic design of an amplifier is strongly dependent on the power tube used, which in the signal flow has the strongest share in the final sound of the amplifier.

This is where the unusual design of the Palmer Drei comes into its own for the first time. The amplifier has three single-ended power amplifier tubes of the types EL84, 6V6 and 6L6, which each produce a power of 5 watts and can be added in their power via separate volume controls. This means in the end that you already have three different basic sounds at the start just by choosing the power amp tubes in front of the train, which create an individual sound image by an additional mixing ratio if required. Also the rectification is taken over by a tube in the form of a GZ34. One or the other may ask why I start with the last assembly of the amplifier and not as usual with the preamp. The answer is quite simple, the different output stages are the amplifier!

A short description of the amp clarifies this fact. On the description of the front panel, which is in German, we find only three controls in addition to the volume controls of the power tubes of the "input" jack. On the one hand, two gain controls of the power amplifier, which, divided into "Normal" and "Treble" decide on the degree of saturation of the power tubes, whereby "Treble" only influences the high-frequency portion. Next to it is the "Tone" control, which is comparable to the treble slider of an electric guitar, i.e. you can cut back the treble and make the sound more muffled. The fusion freak from the second floor is happy about this.

Next to it "Ready" and "Power" (standby and power were yesterday) in the form of two massive toggle switches and ready is the front panel. At the rear, three outputs for 4, 8 and 16 ohms, IEC plug, fuse access and off. It couldn't be more puristic. A brief word about the workmanship, which is truly short with the attribute "perfect". Although the entire product range of Palmer always stands out anyway by an extremely high quality workmanship, one has set with the three still one on top. An almost martial-looking 2.2 millimeter steel frame in combination with the highest-quality components almost convey the use in the foreign mission of the UN peace choir. I believe, here even the cognitively limited Kabelwilli from the country inn organizer could roll over the top part with the Sprinter when backing up, it would not deform. All screw points as machine threads, pots from Alpha, cleanest circuit board assembly together with fuses of all kinds, exemplary!


Due to the puristic design of the amplifier, all control elements are self-explanatory, i.e. you can follow your play instinct to your heart's content, without leading the sound completely ad absurdum. Starting with a clean sound, you can get an idea of how differently the individual power tubes shape the sound at first hearing impression. Without generating an exaggeratedly brilliant sound, wonderfully soft, warm sounds can be conjured up from the Three in conjunction with the tone control and an adjusted saturation proportion.

The EL84 provides for a lively, treble-rich sound of British character, which comes in the next higher power class of the EL34. If one changes to the next control to the right, memories on the other side of the Atlantic are awakened. Classics from Fender have been using the 6V6 for decades to generate their characteristic sound. Comparatively warm and soft, especially the low-frequency parts can be tickled out very nicely, which is why this tube is often used for the bass part in mixing mode. The trio is rounded off by a 6L6, which has the unusual property of sounding thin and sharp at low load, in order to provide a lot of pressure with a high midrange content at increasing volume. As expected, the amp also hangs very nicely on the volume control and can be adjusted down from distorted to clean.

Now we come to the freestyle of the product, the crunch. Here lies buried the biggest misunderstanding that can be blamed on the amp. I can vividly imagine how many musicians have loved the amp's crunch sound, but disdained it because of the maximum moderate distortion level, not knowing that this is exactly the amp's strength. In my entire career, I have never come across an amp that harmonized so well with upstream overdive or distortion pedals. The amp takes the pedal's typical quirk and refines it with a purist tube sound, optionally with stepless power amp saturation in two frequency ranges.

The result is fantastic. Instead of overloading an amp with channels, I think it makes much more sense to generate the perfect basic sound and then, depending on the artist's taste, create his final sound with the appropriate pedal. This basis is created with the Palmer Three in perfection. Buy 5 pedals, from subtle blues crunch to ultra-metal board and you have effectively a five-channel amp, which you can also align in the power amp direction in three basic directions or even mix. This pleases Billy and Grunzi alike, not to mention the fusion freak from the second floor.


In the Palmer Drei, a unique sound concept meets handcrafted perfection. The design, which is primarily focused on the power amp, offers excellent clean and crunch sounds, which, in combination with floor pedals, help the amp to blossom to its full potential. By the puristic design can be implemented with the help of the appropriate Tretminen virtually any style, which gains additional sonic diversity through the different output tubes.

An absolutely exceptional amplifier that should satisfy almost every guitarist with a little foresight. Absolutely test or there are 2 hours of forced discussion with the Fusion Freak, which color may have a 335 and whether there are supposedly really other guitar types!

Additional Informations:

Comprehensive Report on Palmer Audio: A Leading Audio Equipment Manufacturer
Introduction: Palmer Audio is a renowned company that specializes in the design, production, and distribution of high-quality audio equipment. Founded in 1980, the company has consistently delivered innovative products and exceptional customer service, establishing itself as a leading player in the audio industry. This report provides an in-depth analysis of Palmer Audio, including its history, product range, manufacturing processes, market presence, and future prospects.
Company History and Background: Palmer Audio was established by Mr. John Palmer in 1980. Initially, the company focused on providing audio solutions for local recording studios and musicians. Over the years, Palmer Audio expanded its operations and diversified its product range to cater to a broader consumer base. Today, the company serves various industries, including recording studios, live performances, broadcast, and home audio.

Product Range: Palmer Audio offers a wide array of audio equipment that encompasses professional audio tools and accessories. The company's product range includes:
Audio Interfaces: Palmer Audio manufactures high-quality audio interfaces that enable seamless audio signal transfer between various devices, such as computers, mixers, and speakers. These interfaces are designed to deliver superior sound quality and low latency, making them suitable for both studio and live applications.

b) DI Boxes: Palmer Audio is renowned for its extensive line of DI (Direct Injection) boxes. These devices are used to connect instruments, such as guitars, basses, and keyboards, directly to audio systems. Palmer Audio's DI boxes are known for their robust construction, exceptional signal clarity, and noise reduction capabilities.

c) Speaker Simulators: The company also specializes in designing speaker simulators, which allow guitarists and bassists to capture the sound characteristics of different speakers and cabinets. Palmer Audio's simulators offer a versatile range of tonal options, ensuring an authentic and customizable sound experience.

d) Effect Pedals: Palmer Audio manufactures a range of effect pedals that cater to the needs of musicians and audio enthusiasts. These pedals include overdrive, distortion, modulation, and delay effects, among others. Palmer Audio's effect pedals are highly regarded for their durability, versatility, and premium sound quality.

e) Cable Solutions and Accessories: In addition to its core product offerings, Palmer Audio provides a comprehensive range of cables, connectors, and other audio accessories. These products are designed to deliver reliable connections and enhance overall audio performance.

Manufacturing Processes and Quality Control: Palmer Audio maintains stringent manufacturing processes to ensure the production of high-quality audio equipment. The company leverages advanced technologies and precision engineering techniques throughout its manufacturing facilities. Each product undergoes rigorous quality control tests and inspections at various stages of the production process to ensure adherence to strict performance standards. Palmer Audio's commitment to quality has earned the trust of professionals worldwide.

Market Presence and Customer Base: Palmer Audio has a strong presence in both domestic and international markets. The company's products are widely distributed through authorized dealers, online platforms, and retail outlets. Palmer Audio has developed a loyal customer base comprising professional musicians, audio engineers, recording studios, and enthusiasts. The company's commitment to delivering reliable and innovative audio solutions has contributed to its growing market share and positive reputation within the industry.

Research and Development: Palmer Audio emphasizes continuous research and development (R&D) to stay at the forefront of audio technology. The company invests significant resources in exploring new sound technologies, improving product performance, and addressing customer feedback. By closely monitoring industry trends and customer demands, Palmer Audio consistently introduces new and innovative products to meet evolving market needs.

Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility: Palmer Audio recognizes the importance of sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR). The company actively implements eco-friendly practices in its manufacturing processes and packaging materials. Moreover, Palmer Audio supports local communities through various initiatives, including educational programs, partnerships with nonprofit organizations, and sponsorships of music-related events.
Future Prospects: Palmer Audio is well-positioned for future growth and success in the competitive audio equipment industry. The company's commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction provides a strong foundation for its expansion plans. Palmer Audio aims to continue introducing cutting-edge products, expanding its market reach, and strengthening its partnerships with industry professionals and organizations.

Conclusion: Palmer Audio's rich history, diverse product range, commitment to quality, and market presence make it a leading player in the audio equipment industry. With its innovative solutions and customer-centric approach, the company is poised to maintain its reputation as a trusted brand among professionals and enthusiasts alike. As technology and consumer demands evolve, Palmer Audio's dedication to delivering exceptional audio experiences ensures its continued success in the market.

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