Montag, 3. Juni 2024

TEST: One Control Cranberry Overdrive

 The urge for miniaturization in the instrument industry continues unabated. It must be admitted that when it comes to a pedal that has just one effect and does not need to be adjusted during the show, saving space makes a lot of sense for musicians who are plagued by transportation issues. The One Control Cranberry OverDrive - Boost, which we have for testing, is just such a pedal.

The concept of the One Control Cranberry OverDrive - Boost

The One Control Cranberry OverDrive - Boost is the low gain version of the Strawberry Red Overdrive, also from the American manufacturer One Control. Both pedals were developed for One Control by Björn Juhl, who goes by the name BJFE, which stands for "Björn Juhl Förstärkarelektronik", independently of his own company BJFE Guitar Effects.

The pedal belongs to the group of mini pedals and makes the most of the space required down to the last millimeter. Ultimately, the width is only determined by the 6.35 mm jack plug and the depth by the optional use of a 9V battery. Speaking of batteries, the One Control Cranberry OverDrive - Boost has the lowest power consumption of just 4 mA that I have ever heard of, allowing an operating time of almost 150 hours with an alkaline battery, i.e. around 75 regular shows or around 40 Bruce Springsteen shows ;-) According to the One Control website, the One Control Cranberry OverDrive - Boost only has a power consumption of 1 mA, which would almost put it in the same range as EMG pickups. The pedal also has a regular power supply socket on the right side of the housing, which can handle a mains voltage of 9 - 18 volts. P.S. as a little tip, the sound of the pedal changes with the operating voltage, just try it out.

The housing is visually very tasteful and is made of dark red (cranberry) colored and brushed aluminum. Opinions may differ on the color scheme, as only the top has been given a subtle purple coat of paint, while the sides and the base plate have been given a red that is more like strawberry red. Well, it's a matter of taste.

The workmanship is very high quality, and the pedal, which weighs just 160 grams and measures just 100 mm x 47 mm x 46 mm (L x W x H), still leaves a solid impression. The three controls volume, drive and treble are pleasantly stiff and have been secured with corresponding screw nuts on the top of the housing. The on/off switch is a true bypass switch, with a red LED indicating the operating status.

Four screws hold the base plate to the pedal, and the lack of a battery cover draws attention to the long running time of a 9V block. Even with a weekly rehearsal and one show per week, a battery should last around 9 months. However, I would always give preference to a power supply for environmental reasons. To give the housing more stability, the pedal comes with 4 adhesive rubber feet. If you want to use these, you are faced with the dilemma of either attaching them to the corners of the housing in the most effective way possible, thereby covering the 4 screws on the base plate, or placing them inwards, where they can only perform their function in a weaker form. However, attaching the One Control Cranberry OverDrive - Boost is definitely recommended, as the extremely low weight means that the bending stiffness of a patch cable is enough to push the pedal out of position. The optimal placement here is once again a high-quality floorboard, although the size of the pedal means you can go for the smallest size of pedalboards.

There is another special feature on the left outside of the housing. A recessed Phillips screw can be used to adjust a low cut in order to minimize the typical low-frequency pumping that is often used in high gain. If you're sitting alone in a room and playing at a very low volume, you might find strongly resonating bass frequencies very welcome, as they add a kind of "loudness effect" to the sound at low volume. However, as the volume increases and in a band context, the bass frequencies become a real problem, as they radiate into the frequency range of other instruments and also tend to build up into a pumping wave that pushes down the rest of the guitar's frequencies. This is where the Low Cut of the One Control Cranberry OverDrive - Boost can be a real help.

The One Control Cranberry OverDrive - Boost in practice

One Control explicitly points out in its descriptions that the One Control Cranberry OverDrive - Boost has the same characteristics as the Strawberry Red pedal in terms of response and compression behavior, but with a different approach. Due to the comparatively low drive contingent, the pedal relies more on the classic boost effect, as it has been and is used millions of times in the legendary TS9 - JCM 800 combination. The boost effect can be used in the almost clean range, or the pedal can be used as a kind of additional preamp tube that is driven into saturation.

Experienced musicians will already know this, but it is mentioned here again just to be on the safe side. The above-mentioned area of ​​application booster / overdrive, depending on the gain setting, only works optimally in its full range of sounds in front of an all-tube amp. This is not to say that the One Control Cranberry OverDrive - Boost doesn't sound good in front of a solid state amp, but the interaction with the individual components of the amplifier only unfolds in the highest quality in the glass bulb area. For this reason, I created the sound files with a Marshall 2204 and a Marshall 412 cabinet with Celestion G12 75T speakers and used both inputs alternately.

The One Control Cranberry OverDrive - Boost does indeed have a very high boost component when required, with which it can raise even low-performance vintage pickups to a very high output level. You can also drive the preamp of a corresponding amp accordingly "hot". The key is to find the optimal balance between volume and drive on the pedal, as the two controls influence each other. If the drive control is turned towards zero, no signal is output. Only from the approx. 9 o'clock position does the pedal produce a good working level, which still remains largely stuck in the clean sound.

If you now drive the preamp too subtly, the sound remains thin and cannot really develop, but if you overdrive the preamp with too high an output level, the signal sounds compressed and undynamic. So it's important to find the exact sweet spot, which involves a bit of trial and error. However, once you have successfully completed this task, the sound improvement is really enormous. The One Control Cranberry OverDrive - Boost can play to its strengths particularly well in the subtle crunch range by expanding the sound possibilities of the amp with an additional channel without the sound deviating too much from the original. The character of the amp is retained, it is simply "expanded", which sets the One Control Cranberry OverDrive - Boost apart from some competing models.

Overall, the One Control Cranberry OverDrive - Boost has to be given a very good rating, as it turns out to be a high-quality alternative to the classics of a TS9 or SD1, especially since the adjustable low cut can also implement the bass cancellation of a TS9 that many musicians appreciate. The extent to which you want to use the treble control depends on the amp you are using and your personal taste; for my part, I found the 12 o'clock position to be the best.


With the One Control Cranberry OverDrive - Boost, the American manufacturer has a top-class low overdrive pedal in its portfolio. The pedal impresses with its very good workmanship in combination with high-quality components in production.

The very small and extremely light pedal offers a wide range of boost and overdrive options, provided you take the time and patience to find the respective sweet spot of the combination in interaction with your amp. The pedal is particularly impressive in the very subtle crunch range, where the amp is only blown gently to create a consistently powerful sound without the amp becoming too aggressive in its basic design.

If you have the right amp, definitely give it a try!


Additional Informations:

One Control is a relatively new but highly innovative player in the world of guitar effects pedals. Since its inception, the company has carved out a niche for itself with its high-quality, compact, and versatile pedal designs. This article delves into the detailed history of One Control, tracing its origins, key products, and the technological advancements that have solidified its reputation among musicians worldwide.

## The Founding of One Control

One Control was founded in 2010 by Tomokazoo Saito in Tokyo, Japan. The company emerged during a time when the market for guitar effects pedals was already saturated with numerous established brands. However, Saito, an experienced musician and electronics enthusiast, saw a gap in the market for pedals that combined high-quality sound with innovative design and usability.

### Early Vision and Goals

Saito’s vision for One Control was to create pedals that were not only sonically superior but also user-friendly and adaptable to various musical settings. He wanted to offer musicians tools that would inspire creativity and enhance their playing experience. This vision has guided the company’s product development and business strategy from the beginning.

## The First Products

### The Crocodile Tail Loop

One Control’s first major product was the Crocodile Tail Loop, a programmable loop switcher that quickly gained popularity among guitarists for its versatility and ease of use. Released in 2011, the Crocodile Tail Loop allowed musicians to control multiple effects pedals with a single unit, effectively streamlining their pedalboards and making it easier to manage complex signal chains.

The success of the Crocodile Tail Loop was a pivotal moment for One Control, establishing the company as a serious contender in the effects pedal market. It demonstrated the company’s commitment to solving practical problems for musicians while maintaining a high standard of quality and innovation.

### BJF Series Effects

Building on the success of the Crocodile Tail Loop, One Control began collaborating with renowned Swedish pedal designer Björn Juhl, known for his work with brands like Mad Professor and BJFe. This partnership led to the creation of the BJF Series effects pedals, which combined Juhl’s expertise in circuit design with One Control’s focus on usability and aesthetics.

The BJF Series included a range of overdrive, distortion, and modulation pedals, all designed to deliver superior sound quality in a compact format. These pedals quickly gained a following among guitarists for their rich, musical tones and intuitive controls.

## Expansion and Innovation

### The Minimal Series

One Control continued to innovate with the release of the Minimal Series, a line of ultra-compact pedals designed to save space on pedalboards without sacrificing sound quality. The Minimal Series included effects like the Mosquito Blender Trail, which allowed guitarists to blend their dry signal with effects, and the Tri Loop, a compact loop switcher.

These products showcased One Control’s ability to address the practical needs of musicians while pushing the boundaries of pedal design. The Minimal Series was particularly popular among touring musicians and those with limited pedalboard space, solidifying One Control’s reputation for innovation and practicality.

### Advanced Switching Systems

In addition to effects pedals, One Control also developed advanced switching systems to further streamline the performance and recording processes for musicians. Products like the Agamidae Tail Loop and the Iguana Tail Loop provided even more options for controlling multiple pedals and managing complex signal chains.

These switching systems highlighted One Control’s commitment to providing comprehensive solutions for musicians, allowing them to focus on their playing rather than dealing with technical issues. The company’s emphasis on user-friendly design and functionality was evident in every product they released.

## Key Products and Technological Advancements

### The Honey Bee OD

One of the standout pedals from the BJF Series is the Honey Bee OD, an overdrive pedal designed to emulate the warm, natural breakup of a vintage tube amp. The Honey Bee OD became a favorite among guitarists for its dynamic response and versatile tonal range, capable of producing everything from subtle overdrive to rich, saturated distortion.

The success of the Honey Bee OD underscored One Control’s ability to combine classic tones with modern features, appealing to a wide range of musicians. Its intuitive controls and compact design made it a staple on many pedalboards, further establishing One Control as a leader in the effects pedal market.

### The Prussian Blue Reverb

Another notable product from One Control is the Prussian Blue Reverb, a high-quality reverb pedal designed to offer a wide range of ambient effects. The Prussian Blue Reverb features controls for decay, mix, and tone, allowing guitarists to dial in everything from subtle room reverb to expansive, atmospheric soundscapes.

The Prussian Blue Reverb’s combination of lush, natural-sounding reverb and user-friendly design made it a popular choice among musicians looking to add depth and dimension to their sound. It exemplified One Control’s commitment to quality and innovation in every aspect of their pedal design.

### The Gecko Series MIDI Controllers

Recognizing the growing importance of MIDI in modern music production, One Control developed the Gecko Series MIDI Controllers. These compact, versatile controllers allowed musicians to integrate their pedals and other gear into a MIDI setup, providing greater control and flexibility.

The Gecko Series demonstrated One Control’s forward-thinking approach and willingness to embrace new technologies to meet the evolving needs of musicians. By offering products that bridged the gap between traditional analog effects and modern digital control, One Control positioned itself at the cutting edge of pedal design.

## Collaborations and Endorsements

### Partnerships with Artists

One Control has collaborated with numerous artists over the years to develop signature pedals and gain valuable feedback on their products. These collaborations have helped the company refine their designs and ensure that their pedals meet the demands of professional musicians.

Artists like Josh Smith, Paul Gilbert, and Richard Fortus have all used One Control pedals, contributing to the company’s reputation for quality and reliability. These endorsements have helped One Control reach a wider audience and establish itself as a trusted name in the industry.

### Collaborations with Other Brands

In addition to working with artists, One Control has also partnered with other brands to develop new products and expand their reach. Notable collaborations include their work with Xotic Effects on the BB Preamp and with Mad Professor on the Forest Green Compressor.

These partnerships have allowed One Control to leverage the expertise of other leading companies in the industry, resulting in products that combine the best of both worlds. By working with other brands, One Control has been able to continue innovating and offering unique, high-quality pedals to musicians.

## The Future of One Control

### Continued Innovation

As One Control looks to the future, the company remains committed to innovation and quality. They continue to explore new technologies and design concepts to create pedals that meet the evolving needs of musicians. Whether through the development of new effects, advanced switching systems, or integration with digital technologies, One Control is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the world of guitar effects pedals.

### Expanding Their Product Line

One Control’s product line has steadily expanded since its inception, and this trend is likely to continue. The company is constantly exploring new ideas and seeking out collaborations to bring fresh, exciting products to market. By staying attuned to the needs and preferences of musicians, One Control aims to maintain its position as a leading innovator in the industry.

### Commitment to Musicians

At the heart of One Control’s philosophy is a commitment to serving musicians. The company’s founder, Tomokazoo Saito, remains dedicated to creating products that inspire creativity and enhance the playing experience. This commitment is evident in every pedal and product One Control releases, ensuring that they continue to earn the trust and loyalty of musicians worldwide.

## Conclusion

One Control’s journey from a small startup in Tokyo to a respected name in the world of guitar effects pedals is a testament to their dedication to quality, innovation, and practicality. Through their partnerships with renowned designers, collaborations with artists, and continuous exploration of new technologies, One Control has consistently delivered products that meet the needs of modern musicians.

As the company looks to the future, it is clear that One Control will continue to play a significant role in shaping the sounds of musicians around the world. Their pedals offer a unique blend of classic tones and modern features, ensuring that they remain a favorite among guitarists of all styles and genres. Whether you’re a professional musician or a hobbyist, One Control’s pedals provide a gateway to a world of sonic possibilities, cementing their place as a pivotal force in the world of guitar effects.

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