Sonntag, 9. Juni 2024


 Between you and me, are there still passive full-range speakers with external power amplifiers? I feel like I haven't come across any in the last 10 years. Since the establishment of Class D power amplifiers, almost all passive systems in the power class up to around 2 KW have been obsolete, so it is of course not surprising that the new series from the Italian manufacturer RCF are active speakers. We have several examples to test, starting with the smallest version, the RCF HD 10-A MK5.

Structure and concept of the RCF HD 10-A MK5

It's hard to believe, but there is actually still a European production facility in the active speaker sector. Instead of the usual "Developed in home country, assembled in China", a proud "Made in Italy" lettering is emblazoned on the housing, which already gives it an ethical plus point. Like many other representatives of this performance class, the RCF HD 10-A MK5 tries to cover several sound options at once due to its asymmetrical housing shape, which increases its flexibility immensely.

With dimensions (H x W x D): 572 mm x 303 mm x 303 mm, the box can be described as very compact and, with its weight of 11.8 kg, it is also very easy to transport. The housing is made of polypropylene, which, with its combination of low weight and good elasticity, should also absorb rough external influences well. For better protection, you can also purchase a corresponding protective cover, which I would personally always recommend if the visual appearance of your equipment is important to you. The material also dampens any natural resonances that arise quite well. The name MK5 indicates that this model is already a further development. Among other changes, the effectiveness of the bass reflex openings, which are located in the upper part of the housing next to the tweeter horn, has been improved.

In terms of flexibility, the RCF HD 10-A MK5 can cover several areas at once. Firstly, the classic sound area in the form of P.A. or sidefill, thanks to the beveled back as a wedge, or with 2 M10 threaded inserts on the top and bottom of the housing for flown permanent installations. The box itself rests on 4 strong rubber feet in the portrait position, which give it sufficient support. For use with a high-stand, the box has a robust 36 mm steel flange on the bottom. A handle slot on the top of the housing and a generous handle recess on the side ensure good handling and easy transport, which not only increases carrying comfort, but also makes it easier to balance on a high-stand. The loudspeaker equipment consists of a 10" woofer made in-house and a 1" tweeter, which together can deliver 400 watts RMS, i.e. approx. 200 watts sine, and boast 800 watts peak for those with a fetish for numbers.

The frequency response of the system is specified as 50 Hz - 20000 Hz, the sound pressure is 128 dB (Max SPL @ 1m), the horizontal radiation angle is 90°, the vertical radiation angle is 60°. The crossover frequency is 2000 Hz, which can sometimes be higher than the usual 12/1 or 15/1 combinations due to the small animal hair dryer. As a special feature, the manufacturer refers to a new variant of the filter technology called "Firphase", which, according to the company brochure, ensures "a transparent sound image, absolute clarity and a perfect stereo image with minimal latency without phase distortion". Well then...

The back

As with many other representatives of this type, all connections are on the back of the housing, although RDF has reduced the operating options to a minimum. The advantage of a spartan equipment is always that even inexperienced users cannot cause major damage in the case of a mismatch. The disadvantage, however, is that experienced users have to make almost all frequency-related settings using an external console. All controls are installed very deep in the housing and are therefore very well protected from external influences, provided they lie flat on the panel. This is also necessary because the only rotary control on the surface unfortunately has no counter-lock on the housing and is therefore held rather wobbly only by the circuit board.

An XLR and a TRS input, combined with a simple volume control, serve the user as input management. In addition, a recessed mic / line slide switch allows a rough pre-selection of the signal level present. Gain control? Unfortunately not. The system offers an XLR out for daisy chain operation. What is a bit confusing, however, is that the TRS input is at the same height as the XRL out and has no labeling regarding its input function. I am sure that many users will mistake this socket for an output. The only sound control the RCF HD 10-A MK5 has is a "Boost" switch, which slightly increases the bass in music mode and is intended to generate a subtle loudness effect at low volume. The system status can also be read off via 3 LEDs (Power - green, Signal - green and Limiter - red).

Finally, in the lower part of the housing below the cooling fins of the system, there is the On / Off switch plus the IEC socket and internally installed main fuse. The system does not have a multi-voltage power supply and is approved for either 220 - 240 volts or 100 - 120 volts mains voltage. The values ​​of the fine fuses used behave accordingly.

The RCF HD 10-A MK5 in practice

I gave the RCF HD 10-A MK5 my standard test routine for flexible full-range speakers, i.e. operation as a floor monitor in the studio, high-stand operation indoors and high-stand operation outdoors up to a distance of 50 meters. From the very first sounds of the RCF HD 10-A MK5, the basic sound is comparatively balanced and finely resolved for this area of ​​application, which has nothing in common with the sometimes very harsh basic sound of some competitors. The mid-range in particular benefits from the 10-inch speaker, which is quite fast due to its size, which picks up the crossover frequency very nicely and enables a rounded basic sound. In terms of sound, the speaker is indeed impressive across the board.

The strong bass component of the system is indeed striking, especially when you consider the design. What is good for DJs can be bad for singers, as I personally found the bass part a bit too much of a good thing, especially with male voices. Unfortunately, the RCF HD 10-A MK5 does not have any further tone control, so as already mentioned, this can only be controlled using an external console. The lack of a gain control is also a little missed here and there. The gain slider can be used to adjust the sensitivity, but while, for example, the direct feed of a Beyerdynamic M88 in microphone mode enabled a very high volume, an MP3 player could only occasionally trigger the limiter when the volume control was turned up, meaning that a lot of the level was lost.

The speaker remains stable in terms of tone and resonance until shortly before saturation, and can also handle the odd peak without damage. Of course, the box cannot generate a "body bass" with its dimensions, but the bass content is quite sufficient for average sound, especially since the mid-range is balanced and the highs are very fine. The RCF HD 10-A MK5 is also impressive in floor monitor mode. The beam angle allows enough space vertically for practical use and horizontally still allows about one meter of usable space to the right and left.

Overall, the system has to be given a very good rating, especially in relation to its relatively moderate price despite being manufactured in Europe. If the DSP approaches to sound control were a little more generous, this would be a real exceptional talent in this performance class.


With the RCF HD 10-A MK5, the Italian manufacturer has a very good-sounding and extremely handy active full-range box in its range. The system is very flexible in terms of its use, offers a full-fledged bass content for its dimensions and impresses with good components and a practical feel. If you are looking for a small, powerful and very good sounding speaker and are not afraid of using an external console for the final sound control, you should definitely try out this speaker.


Additional Informations:

Italy, renowned for its cultural richness and historical contributions to art, design, and technology, has a distinctive approach to manufacturing high-end audio equipment. Italian audio manufacturers like RCF, Sonus Faber, FBT, and others have carved out a niche in the global market by emphasizing craftsmanship, aesthetic beauty, and emotional connection with sound. This article explores the unique methodologies and philosophies of Italian audio manufacturers, contrasting them with other European producers, and delves into the elements that set Italian audio equipment apart.

## A Legacy of Craftsmanship and Design

### Cultural Influence

Italian culture has a deep-seated appreciation for art, beauty, and craftsmanship, which significantly influences its audio manufacturing industry. The Italian tradition of fine craftsmanship, seen in everything from fashion to automobiles, extends to audio equipment. This cultural backdrop fosters a meticulous approach to design and manufacturing, where aesthetics are as important as functionality.

### Handcrafted Excellence

Italian audio manufacturers often emphasize handcrafting in their production processes. Companies like Sonus Faber are renowned for their artisanal approach, where each speaker is meticulously crafted by skilled artisans. This contrasts with the more industrialized and automated manufacturing processes commonly found in other European countries like Germany and the UK. The result is audio equipment that exudes a sense of individuality and luxury, with each piece being a testament to the artisan's skill.

### Material Selection

The choice of materials is another area where Italian manufacturers differentiate themselves. Italian audio equipment often incorporates luxurious and natural materials such as wood, leather, and marble. For instance, Sonus Faber speakers feature wooden cabinets that not only enhance acoustic properties but also offer a visually appealing and tactile experience. This use of high-quality materials not only improves the sound quality but also aligns with Italy's broader cultural appreciation for fine materials and design.

## Emotional Connection to Sound

### Design Philosophy

Italian audio manufacturers often prioritize creating an emotional connection between the listener and the music. This philosophy is reflected in the design and sound signature of their products. For instance, Sonus Faber's speakers are known for their warm, rich sound that aims to replicate the natural timbre of live instruments. This focus on emotional engagement contrasts with the more analytical and precise sound signatures favored by some other European manufacturers.

### User Experience

The user experience is a critical consideration for Italian audio manufacturers. Products are designed to be not just functional but also enjoyable to use. This includes intuitive interfaces, elegant designs, and an overall user-friendly experience. For example, Gold Note, an Italian manufacturer of high-end turntables and amplifiers, places significant emphasis on the tactile and aesthetic aspects of their products, ensuring that they are a joy to use as well as to listen to.

### Integration of Art and Technology

Italian manufacturers seamlessly blend art and technology in their designs. The aesthetic appeal of their products often rivals their technical prowess. This integration can be seen in the use of advanced acoustic engineering alongside beautiful, often hand-finished exteriors. The result is audio equipment that is not only high-performing but also visually stunning and emotionally resonant.

## Technological Innovation

### Advanced Materials and Engineering

While Italian audio manufacturers are known for their craftsmanship and design, they are also at the forefront of technological innovation. Companies like RCF have pioneered the use of advanced materials such as neodymium magnets and carbon fiber cones, enhancing the performance and durability of their speakers. This innovative spirit ensures that Italian audio equipment remains competitive in terms of sound quality and technical capabilities.

### Digital Integration

Italian manufacturers have embraced digital technology, integrating it into their products to enhance performance and user experience. Digital Signal Processing (DSP) is a common feature in many Italian audio products, allowing for precise control over audio parameters and improved sound quality. For example, RCF's FiRPHASE technology ensures accurate phase response, resulting in more natural and coherent sound reproduction.

### Customization and Flexibility

Italian audio manufacturers often offer a high degree of customization and flexibility in their products. This approach caters to the diverse needs of audiophiles and professionals, allowing them to tailor their audio systems to their specific preferences and requirements. Customization options can range from aesthetic choices, such as finishes and materials, to technical adjustments like crossover settings and EQ configurations.

## Comparative Analysis with Other European Manufacturers

### German Precision and Engineering

German audio manufacturers, such as Sennheiser and Neumann, are renowned for their precision engineering and technical excellence. German products often emphasize durability, reliability, and precision. The design philosophy tends to prioritize functionality and technical performance over aesthetics. While this results in highly accurate and reliable audio equipment, it can sometimes lack the warmth and emotional engagement that characterizes Italian products.

### British Heritage and Innovation

British audio manufacturers, like Bowers & Wilkins and KEF, have a long heritage of innovation and high-quality sound reproduction. British products often strike a balance between technical excellence and aesthetic appeal, though the focus is frequently on achieving a neutral and natural sound signature. British manufacturers are known for their innovative approaches to speaker design and acoustics, but their designs are typically more understated compared to the visually striking Italian counterparts.

### French Elegance and Detail

French audio manufacturers, such as Focal and Devialet, are known for their attention to detail and elegant designs. French products often emphasize clarity, detail, and sophistication in both sound and appearance. While they share some similarities with Italian manufacturers in terms of design aesthetics, French products tend to focus more on technical precision and detail in sound reproduction, sometimes at the expense of the emotional warmth that Italian products aim to achieve.

## Case Studies: Exemplary Italian Audio Manufacturers

### Sonus Faber

**Background**: Founded in 1983 by Franco Serblin, Sonus Faber is synonymous with luxury and high-end audio equipment. Based in Vicenza, Italy, the company draws inspiration from classical music and traditional craftsmanship.

**Approach**: Sonus Faber's approach to speaker design is rooted in artisanal craftsmanship and the use of natural materials. Each speaker is handcrafted, and the designs often reflect the elegance and beauty of classical string instruments.

**Innovation**: Despite their traditional craftsmanship, Sonus Faber speakers incorporate advanced acoustic technologies, such as advanced damping systems and sophisticated crossover designs, to ensure top-tier sound quality.

### RCF

**Background**: Established in 1949 in Reggio Emilia, RCF has grown to become a global leader in professional audio equipment, known for its innovative speaker and amplification technologies.

**Approach**: RCF combines advanced engineering with a commitment to sound quality and reliability. Their products are designed for professional use, offering robust performance and durability.

**Innovation**: RCF is known for its pioneering use of materials and technologies, such as neodymium magnets and FiRPHASE technology, which enhance the performance and accuracy of their audio products.

### Gold Note

**Background**: Gold Note, based in Tuscany, specializes in high-end turntables, amplifiers, and speakers. The company blends traditional Italian craftsmanship with cutting-edge audio technology.

**Approach**: Gold Note emphasizes the aesthetic and tactile aspects of audio equipment, ensuring that their products are as beautiful to look at and use as they are to listen to.

**Innovation**: Gold Note's products feature advanced engineering solutions, such as sophisticated power supply designs and innovative vibration damping systems, to achieve superior sound quality.

## Conclusion

Italian audio manufacturers have carved a unique niche in the global audio market through their distinctive approach to product design and manufacturing. By emphasizing craftsmanship, aesthetic beauty, and emotional engagement with sound, they offer products that stand out not only for their technical excellence but also for their ability to connect with users on a deeper level. This approach contrasts with the more functionally driven and precision-focused methodologies of other European manufacturers, highlighting the diverse philosophies that drive innovation and excellence in the world of high-end audio. Whether through the luxurious designs of Sonus Faber, the robust performance of RCF, or the tactile elegance of Gold Note, Italian audio equipment continues to set standards and inspire audiophiles worldwide.

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