Freitag, 14. Juni 2024

TEST: Rocktron Widowmaker

But who would have thought that you could travel back in time at Warp 9 with 2 striking components. For all 40+ readers, I'll throw the following terms into the mix. 1.) separate preamp and power amplifier in 19 inch design? 2.) Hush? What would always raise a question mark on the forehead of a mid-twenties person, the ROCKTRON company lets slip from the lips of a solid six-stringer with a delay of less than 20 ms. No other company is as closely associated with the glorious eighties as the aforementioned US company and is responsible for a whole armada of rack pioneers in the guitar sector, be it the Hush noise reduction system or the Intellifex effects department.

Almost all guitar heroes of the eighties called one or more rack slots their own and refrigerator-sized 20 U racks became a fixture on the established stages of the world for several years. You can love or hate this era, but no decade has produced as many heroes in the Malmsteen, Vai, Satriani or Gilbert style as the decade of "soft sounds". Chorus and delay, both components an integral part of every sound that plagued vinyl, cassette and stage.

As is well known, grunge at the beginning of the nineties brought an abrupt end to any kind of artisanal playing culture, which also meant the complete end of all rack solutions in terms of amplifier technology. Admittedly, compared to the omnipotent full stack on stage, the flashing 19-inch solution on wheels looks like a remnant of the last Christmas market decoration and has the sex appeal of Angela Merkel, but in terms of practicality and transport, the flight case solution is unbeatable. Alternatively, you can always use the fake department with full stack dummies in front and a rack solution behind it, which is still popular today, and not just with KISS.

So let's go on a journey through time and see whether the current preamp product Rocktron Widowmaker also meets current needs. Appropriately, the Velocity 100 LTD stereo power amplifier was included so that both components can be tested in a coordinated setup.


Widowmaker Preamp

First of all, Rocktron fortunately does not make the mistake of trying to talk the user into something that neither the name nor the product stands for. The product clearly promotes the "ultimate high-gain sound", which fits exactly into the musician's expectations. The structure of the preamp is designed accordingly clearly, 2 channels, clean and high gain, switchable either by hand or foot switch, off! No boosts, master volumes, FXs or other add-ons, just the purist sound approach, which couldn't be more reduced. In addition to a double three-band tone control and a volume control, the distorted channel contains, as expected, an additional gain control, but that's it. Either you manage to find your sound with these controls, or you're in the wrong place. Pretty consistent, I must admit.

Only two small LEDs provide information about the selected channel and the operating status. Nice detail on the edge, the push button for changing the channel has exactly the same shape as it did 30 years ago. An on/off switch and the TRS input socket complete the front of the 1U housing. In terms of readability of the control settings, however, Rocktron has set a new benchmark. Even if the speed dome potentiometers are very easy to operate, black controls on a black background with dark red orientation points without background lighting are visually hard to beat.

The back is also hard to top in terms of spartan equipment. An output socket, foot switch socket and the input socket of the included power supply, that's it. Speaking of the power supply, it is recommended not to misplace the factory power supply, as it delivers an output of 2000 mA! at 9V. It will be difficult to replace it.

Velocity 100 LTD Power Amp

The stereo power amplifier, which is also housed in 1U, leaves no room for error. Like the Rocktron Widowmaker Preamp, the product consistently relies on semiconductor technology. This means that 2 power blocks can be integrated into the small housing, which shine with the values ​​2x 55 watts at 4 ohms, 2x 40 watts at 8 ohms and just 2x 28 watts at 16 ohms. Anyone who now cries out loudly out of primal instinct that they would hardly be able to stand up to the pounding drummer in their death metal combo with only 28 watts each on their Marshall cabinets should briefly consider that almost all current 4x12" cabinets are designed in stereo, with 16 ohm mono and 2x ohm stereo versions as well as 4 ohm mono, which allows you to exploit the full power of the power amplifier.

In addition, a transistor solution also brings the pleasant fact of resistance to load idle of a tube power amplifier into play. While the output transformer of the valve solutions always requires a precise adjustment to the impedance of the speaker and must NEVER be operated without a load, i.e. a box, the semiconductor version simply takes what comes and adjusts its power output accordingly.

In addition to the usual volume controls, both blocks have a presence (treble) and resonance (bass) control, which also influence the sound. Why 2 blocks? Well, in accordance with the classic eighties directive, the wiring was preamp - stereo multi FX - stereo power amplifier or stage setup from left to right 4x12" cabinet, - 16 HE rack - 4x12 cabinet. Just as a side note, it was also very popular to lower your preferred all-tube head to preamp level using a load resistor and then feed it into the signal chain. If you have any questions, please contact Eddie Van Halen, Steve Lukather or Scott Henderson.

On the back, the Rocktron Velocity LTD 100 has 2 speaker outputs per block and an input socket per channel in addition to the IEC connector. In combination with a stereo splitter or a stereo FX slot, you can really show off. In addition to the typical mono version, 2 complete full stacks in stereo can also be supplied with the house wiring. 16 speakers that move the air, there's a lot going on on stage.


Due to the very clear equipment, you can't really go wrong with the Rocktron combination when it comes to operation. At the same time, you naturally have to think a little about the flexibility of the setup. Can you really find your personal sound with a handful of controls? To put it bluntly, you can find it.

The trick behind the system is a highly efficient tone control that massively intervenes in the frequency response of the instrument. Unlike many all-tube amplifiers, which usually only use the tone control to fine-tune the basic sound, Rocktron manages to generate a wide range of basic sounds, particularly in the high gain channel. The main focus is on the midrange control, which, in conjunction with the resonance control of the power amplifier, covers almost everything the customer needs, from British midrange to American scoop.

Furthermore, Rocktron offers, as expected, the sound that made the company an exceptional player in the eighties. A soft transistor distortion when needed, which suits the big eighties productions in the style of Hysteria / Def Leppard well.


Forget "Back To The Future", more "Go For The Past". With the Rocktron Widowmaker, the US manufacturer has managed to achieve a wide range of sounds despite minimal equipment, with the Velocity LTD 100 contributing a not insignificant part to the sound output.

The combination of the vintage charm of the 80s combined with the latest equipment in terms of workmanship and experience will make the hearts of all young at heart and future posers beat faster. My tip: buy a 4U rack and install a multi FX and a transmitter system in addition to the components mentioned above and the stuff that makes guitar heroes is brewed.

The Racks Are Back!


Additional Informations:

Rocktron is a prominent name in the world of music technology, renowned for its innovative guitar effects, amplifiers, and signal processors. Since its inception, Rocktron has been at the forefront of audio technology, continually pushing the boundaries of what is possible for musicians. This article explores the comprehensive history of Rocktron, highlighting its origins, key products, technological advancements, and impact on the music industry.

## Founding and Early Years

### The Birth of Rocktron

Rocktron was founded in 1983 by engineers Bob Waller and Jim Chowning in Michigan, USA. Both founders were passionate about music and had extensive backgrounds in electronics. They identified a gap in the market for high-quality, reliable guitar effects and signal processing equipment and set out to create products that would meet the demands of professional musicians.

### First Innovations: HUSH Noise Reduction

One of Rocktron's earliest and most significant innovations was the HUSH noise reduction system. Launched in the mid-1980s, the HUSH system addressed a common problem for guitarists: unwanted noise and hiss from their equipment. Unlike traditional noise gates, which often cut off the sound abruptly, the HUSH system used a sophisticated algorithm to reduce noise without affecting the tonal quality of the signal.

The HUSH system quickly gained popularity among guitarists and audio engineers for its effectiveness and transparency. It became a staple in recording studios and live setups, solidifying Rocktron's reputation as a leader in audio technology.

## Expansion and Key Products

### Rocktron Guitar Effects

Building on the success of the HUSH system, Rocktron expanded its product line to include a wide range of guitar effects pedals and processors. Some of the notable early products included:

- **Rocktron Pro Gap**: An advanced guitar preamp and effects processor that offered a wide range of tonal options and programmability.
- **Rocktron Intellifex**: A multi-effects processor that combined reverb, delay, chorus, and pitch shifting in a single unit. The Intellifex was praised for its high-quality effects and user-friendly interface.
- **Rocktron Chameleon**: A versatile guitar preamp and effects processor that allowed for extensive tone shaping and customization.

### MIDI Integration

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Rocktron embraced MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) technology, which allowed for greater control and flexibility in live and studio settings. Products like the Rocktron All Access MIDI controller provided musicians with the ability to control multiple effects units and amplifiers from a single device, streamlining their setups and enhancing performance capabilities.

### Rocktron Rack Gear

Rocktron's reputation for innovation and quality was further cemented with the introduction of its rack-mounted gear. These products were designed for professional musicians and recording studios, offering high-end sound processing and durability. Key rack-mounted units included:

- **Rocktron Piranha**: A high-gain preamp known for its aggressive tone and extensive tone-shaping options.
- **Rocktron Replifex**: A multi-effects processor that combined the best features of the Intellifex and added new effects and improved processing power.
- **Rocktron Prophesy**: A flagship guitar preamp and effects processor that offered unparalleled tonal flexibility and advanced programming features.

## Technological Advancements

### Digital Signal Processing

Rocktron was an early adopter of digital signal processing (DSP) technology, which allowed for more sophisticated and precise effects processing. The transition from analog to digital effects enabled Rocktron to create more complex and high-quality sound effects, pushing the boundaries of what musicians could achieve with their gear.

### Continuous Innovation

Throughout the 1990s and 2000s, Rocktron continued to innovate and release new products that addressed the evolving needs of musicians. This period saw the introduction of several groundbreaking products, such as:

- **Rocktron Banshee**: A talk box with an internal amplifier, making it easier to use and more versatile than traditional talk boxes.
- **Rocktron Velocity Power Amps**: A line of solid-state power amplifiers known for their reliability and transparent sound.

### Collaboration with Artists

Rocktron's success was also driven by its collaborations with renowned musicians and guitarists. These partnerships provided valuable insights into the needs of professional players and helped Rocktron design products that met their exacting standards. Artists like Gary Hoey, Dave Mustaine (Megadeth), and Bruce Bouillet (Racer X) were among those who used and endorsed Rocktron gear.

## Modern Era and Continuing Legacy

### Expansion into New Markets

In recent years, Rocktron has expanded its product offerings to include a wider range of audio equipment, catering to both guitarists and other musicians. This includes:

- **Rocktron Boutique Pedals**: A series of high-quality, handcrafted effects pedals designed to appeal to tone purists and boutique enthusiasts.
- **Rocktron Amplifiers**: A line of guitar amplifiers that combine classic tones with modern features and reliability.

### Digital and Software Solutions

Recognizing the growing importance of digital technology and software in music production, Rocktron has also ventured into digital effects and software-based solutions. These products are designed to integrate seamlessly with modern recording setups and digital audio workstations (DAWs), offering musicians more flexibility and creative possibilities.

### Rocktron’s Impact on the Music Industry

Rocktron's contributions to the music industry go beyond its products. The company's commitment to innovation and quality has set new standards for guitar effects and signal processing. Its pioneering work in noise reduction and digital signal processing has influenced the development of modern audio technology and inspired countless other manufacturers.

## Conclusion

Rocktron's journey from a small startup to a leading name in music technology is a testament to its founders' vision and dedication. By consistently pushing the boundaries of what is possible with guitar effects and signal processing, Rocktron has earned its place in the pantheon of influential music technology companies. Today, Rocktron continues to innovate and inspire, providing musicians with the tools they need to create and perform at their best. The company's legacy is one of relentless pursuit of excellence, ensuring that Rocktron will remain a key player in the music industry for years to come.

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