Montag, 3. Juni 2024


 Re-amplification box? There are many who will shrug their shoulders in confusion when they hear this term, as it is derived exclusively from modern guitar recording methods used in recording studios. In order to optimize the method described below, Palmer has launched the DACCAPO, an inconspicuous, orange-colored box that has a lot to offer.


What exactly does re-amping mean? The normal process of a professional guitar recording is generally as follows. In consultation with the producer, the artist chooses a combination of guitar-FX pedal-amplifier-box-speaker-microphone that both seem to be optimal for a specific part and records it. The artist's performance is a joy, with optimal timing (for once...), but unfortunately it turns out afterwards that the amp was pumping too much at the bottom with the 6L6, the overdrive didn't have enough gain, or the microphone was pointing too much at the dome and was unexpectedly squeaking in the overall context.

Now good advice is hard to come by. The equalizer can possibly make up for missing bass, but the die is cast when it comes to things like the level of distortion. Re-record it? Then the artist is annoyed, especially since the performance was very good and the extra studio time is a strain on the budget. Now it's time for re-amping, which restarts the following signal chain right down to the guitar signal. This is achieved by parallel recording of the clean guitar direct signal on an additional recording track, which now allows a new combination of FX pedal-amplifier-cabinet-speaker-microphone in playback mode. In order to get this signal back out of the computer in an optimized signal to the amp, you need a, you guessed it, re-amplification box.

Why a separate box, some people will ask. Signal out of the interface, into the amp and that's it. Well, keyboard players may see it that way (which unfortunately is also the case for the majority of sound engineers... ;-)) but you can forgive them. When they hear overdrive, they immediately think of too little headroom and the "typical Strat sound" is with the pickup switch in position 4 directly into the desk. In order to get the analog chaos theory of guitar recording back into the amp with the perfect level, you need a special solution like the Palmer DACCAPO.

The product in question has a balanced XLR input, switchable with -10dbV or +4dbV and with a ground lift, which turns out to be very helpful if your recording equipment and guitar amplifier have different grounding points. So far, nothing unusual. The design highlight is an inconspicuous rotary control with the label Level, which is located next to the isolated output in jack format. "What could be so special about an output control?" asks the keyboard player. Thanks to the interactive action of the individual components with each other, the level of the signal fed in is essential for all the following components. Without this control, our reamping would, in the worst case, be between a hollow whistling sound and an overdriven sausage.


Probably the shortest practical test in the magazine: everything is perfect! The Palmer DACCAPO does exactly what it is supposed to do, and does it perfectly. Unspectacular and yet as a central element in the signal flow, perfect reamping is unthinkable without this product. The level control allows all-tube amps to be driven into compression very nicely and, if necessary, can also increase the level of a vintage single coil without increasing the background noise. Of course, there is no feedback either, the noise gate can stay at home. The Palmer DACCAPO is a passive box and does not require any power supply. Incidentally, the workmanship of the product is, as always with Palmer, of the highest quality.


With the Palmer DACCAPO, the German manufacturer has the perfect control element for reamping in its range. Unobtrusive to the touch, it has exactly the components without which perfect reamping would not be possible. With a retail price of under 80 euros, the price is in a very moderate segment in relation to its performance.

If you, as an engineer, wave this product around in front of your customers, most will probably only notice the strong housing color, but the experienced professional will be crying with joy in your arms.


Additional Informations:

Palmer Audio is a name that resonates with quality and innovation in the world of professional audio equipment. Known for their exceptional direct injection (DI) boxes, speaker simulators, and guitar effects, Palmer Audio has made significant contributions to the music industry since its inception. This article delves into the comprehensive history of Palmer Audio, tracing its origins, key product developments, and the technological innovations that have solidified its reputation among musicians and audio professionals.

## The Founding of Palmer Audio

### The Visionary Behind Palmer: Horst Langer

Palmer Audio was founded in the early 1980s by Horst Langer in Neu-Anspach, Germany. Langer, a passionate musician and electronics enthusiast, identified a need for high-quality audio solutions that addressed the practical challenges faced by musicians and sound engineers. With a deep understanding of both music and technology, Langer set out to create products that would bridge the gap between the two.

### Early Days and Initial Challenges

In its early days, Palmer Audio operated as a small, boutique manufacturer, focusing on creating custom solutions for local musicians and studios. The company’s reputation for quality and innovation quickly grew, driven by Langer’s meticulous attention to detail and commitment to excellence. However, as with many startups, Palmer Audio faced significant challenges, including limited resources and the need to establish a brand identity in a competitive market.

## Breakthrough Products and Innovations

### The Birth of the Palmer Speaker Simulator

One of Palmer Audio’s most significant breakthroughs came with the development of the Palmer Speaker Simulator (PDI-03). Introduced in the mid-1980s, the PDI-03 was designed to address the common issue of capturing high-quality guitar sounds in both live and studio settings. Traditional methods of miking guitar cabinets often resulted in inconsistent and unpredictable results, making it difficult for engineers to achieve the desired sound.

The PDI-03 Speaker Simulator offered a revolutionary solution by allowing guitarists to connect their amplifiers directly to the PA system or recording interface, bypassing the need for microphones. This innovation not only simplified the setup process but also ensured consistent, high-quality sound. The PDI-03 quickly became a favorite among professional musicians and recording engineers, solidifying Palmer Audio’s reputation for innovative audio solutions.

### Expansion of the Product Line

#### DI Boxes and Signal Splitters

Building on the success of the PDI-03, Palmer Audio expanded its product line to include a range of direct injection (DI) boxes and signal splitters. These products addressed the needs of musicians and sound engineers by providing reliable, high-quality solutions for managing audio signals. Palmer’s DI boxes, in particular, became known for their robust construction and superior sound quality, making them a staple in studios and live sound setups around the world.

#### Guitar Effects and Pedals

In addition to their core products, Palmer Audio also ventured into the world of guitar effects and pedals. By leveraging their expertise in audio signal processing, Palmer developed a range of effects that catered to the needs of guitarists seeking unique and versatile sounds. These products further enhanced Palmer’s reputation for quality and innovation, attracting a loyal following among musicians.

## Technological Advancements and Modern Innovations

### Embracing Digital Technology

As the audio industry evolved, so did Palmer Audio. Recognizing the potential of digital technology, Palmer began incorporating digital components into their products to offer greater flexibility and control. This shift allowed Palmer to create more advanced and versatile audio solutions, while still maintaining the high standards of quality and reliability that had become their hallmark.

### The Palmer Pocket Amp

One of the standout products from Palmer’s modern era is the Palmer Pocket Amp. This compact, all-in-one solution combines a preamp, DI box, and speaker simulator into a single unit, offering unparalleled versatility for musicians on the go. The Pocket Amp allows guitarists to shape their sound with precision, whether they are performing live, recording in the studio, or practicing at home. Its compact size and robust construction make it an essential tool for musicians seeking professional-quality sound in a portable format.

### The Palmer Cab Merger

Another notable innovation from Palmer Audio is the Palmer Cab Merger. This unique device allows musicians to connect multiple speaker cabinets to a single amplifier, offering greater flexibility in shaping their sound. The Cab Merger is particularly useful for guitarists who want to experiment with different speaker configurations and achieve a wider range of tones. Its intuitive design and high-quality components make it a valuable addition to any guitarist’s toolkit.

## Palmer Audio in the Professional Audio Industry

### Collaboration with Industry Professionals

Throughout its history, Palmer Audio has maintained close relationships with professional musicians, sound engineers, and producers. These collaborations have been instrumental in shaping the development of new products and ensuring that Palmer’s solutions meet the real-world needs of the audio community. By working closely with industry professionals, Palmer has been able to stay at the forefront of audio technology and continue to deliver innovative products that set new standards for quality and performance.

### Endorsements and Artist Partnerships

Palmer Audio’s commitment to quality and innovation has earned the company numerous endorsements from high-profile musicians and audio professionals. Artists such as Phil Campbell (Motörhead), Nile Rodgers, and Billy Gibbons (ZZ Top) have all praised Palmer’s products for their superior sound and reliability. These endorsements have helped to further establish Palmer’s reputation as a leading name in the professional audio industry.

## The Future of Palmer Audio

### Continued Innovation and Product Development

As Palmer Audio looks to the future, the company remains committed to innovation and quality. By continuing to explore new technologies and design concepts, Palmer aims to develop products that meet the evolving needs of musicians and audio professionals. Whether through the development of new effects, advanced DI boxes, or cutting-edge speaker simulators, Palmer Audio is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the world of professional audio.

### Expanding Global Reach

With a solid reputation and a loyal customer base, Palmer Audio is well-positioned for continued growth and expansion. The company is focused on expanding its global reach, making its products more accessible to musicians and audio professionals around the world. By building strong distribution networks and leveraging the power of digital marketing, Palmer aims to bring its innovative audio solutions to an even wider audience.

### Commitment to Sustainability

In addition to their focus on innovation and quality, Palmer Audio is also committed to sustainability. The company recognizes the importance of minimizing its environmental impact and is taking steps to incorporate sustainable practices into its manufacturing processes. By using environmentally friendly materials and reducing waste, Palmer aims to contribute to a more sustainable future for the audio industry.

## Conclusion

Palmer Audio’s journey from a small boutique manufacturer to a respected name in the professional audio industry is a testament to their dedication to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction. From the groundbreaking PDI-03 Speaker Simulator to the versatile Pocket Amp and beyond, Palmer has consistently delivered products that meet the real-world needs of musicians and audio professionals.

As the company looks to the future, it is clear that Palmer Audio will continue to play a significant role in shaping the sounds of musicians around the world. Their commitment to excellence, combined with a forward-thinking approach to product development, ensures that Palmer will remain at the forefront of audio technology for years to come. Whether you are a professional musician, a recording engineer, or a passionate hobbyist, Palmer Audio’s products offer a gateway to a world of sonic possibilities, cementing their place as a pivotal force in the world of professional audio.

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