Dienstag, 4. Juni 2024

TEST: Pyramid Strings

"Strings? Yes and...? Are there any differences?" How often have I heard these words in my life... *sigh*... While the ambitious artist sometimes deals meticulously with instrument and amplifier manufacturers, even tinkering around in the innards of the equipment such as power tubes, the return current behavior of loudspeakers or the crystallization process of wood molecules, the actual sound generator, the string, seems to lead a niche existence close to being an extra. Just a wire made of steel, either ribbed or bare... Oh dear, what ignorance! This must be remedied.

For testing purposes, I have an all-round set from PYRAMID, consisting of three different electric guitar sets (nickel plated steel, stainless steel and pure nickel) and two bass sets (nickel roundwound and stainless steel). To ensure better comparability, both sets were designed for my preferred gauge (guitar 013 - 056, bass 045 - 105).

The PYRAMID company looks back on a long and traditional company history spanning a total of 157 years. Founded in 1850 in what was then Austria, the company moved to West Germany in 1949, where it is still based today in Bubenreuth. As one of the few companies, PYRAMID supplies pretty much every string that is needed in the instrument sector, no matter how unusual the instrument. Even the entire range of historical instruments, from lutes and harps to "traditional German" instruments such as dulcimers and zithers to string instruments from the Middle East such as sarod, surbahar or aoud, you can find pretty much everything that has to do with a wire in the company's own range.

I also really liked the listing of a product line in the catalog called "Schrammelgitarre" ;-). So, dear children, if grandpa and grandma are once again annoying you by playing a "strumming guitar" instead of the mega-metal-heavy electric guitar you want, I don't mean that in a bad way, this instrument really does exist ;-).

PYRAMID also stands out for its high level of flexibility when it comes to custom-made products. You want to pay homage to your downtuning idol, who tunes his tree stump to dropped C, but you have a string tension like your mom's clothesline and, as a result, a transient attack like the ministerial braggarts of the grand coalition? No problem, PYRAMID will also make you a 070 E string for your plane, but you will of course have to adjust the saddle and bridge yourself.

In general, you should first familiarize yourself with the physical principle of electromagnetic sound conversion in order to better understand how an electric guitar / electric bass string works. Every vibrating metal object generates a magnetic field around itself. The strength of this magnetic field varies considerably depending on the material composition and vibration mass. In addition, the individual components have different phases of attack and decay due to their different stiffness, which all together determine the final tone produced.

This naturally leads to different interactions with the components of the instrument such as the fret wire, wooden construction and pickup. The movement of the string and the associated magnetic field induces a voltage in the coils of the pickup. (Yes, exactly like back in physics class, when the teacher was unmotivatedly fiddling around with the bar magnet in the coil to get the voltmeter to register). This voltage is now the basis for the entire tone to be produced.

All strings are based on a hexagonal steel core or nickel core, which is covered with different wire or different layer (treble strings) depending on the desired sound. In addition to the sound aspect, the starting point is always to protect the steel core against corrosion. A distinction is made between the following subgroups:

Nickel Plated Steel: steel core wound with steel, protected against corrosion with a thin nickel layer

Nickel Roundwound: steel core wound with nickel wire

Stainless Steel: steel core wound with stainless steel

Pure Nickel Strings: nickel core wound with nickel wire

Even when unpacking, you can see enormous differences in the consistency of the strings. Depending on the material composition, the strings spring softly out of the packaging, or they use the basic stiffness of a steel spring with a powerful "jumping behavior". Let's take a closer look at the individual product groups:

Nickel Roundwound Strings: The all-rounder above the fingerboard or, in other words, the 4/4 beat under the strings. 80% of all musicians will probably play these strings without knowing that they belong to this product line. The steel core gives the string a strong magnetic base, which is tamed in its aggressiveness by the nickel wire. A uniform overtone spectrum and a balanced sound design are the result, which makes Nickel Roundwound an all-rounder in the areas of pop, rock and blues.

Nickel Plated Steel Strings: A product variant from PYRAMID that was only recently added to the range. The steel core is wound with steel wire, which is surrounded by a thin layer of nickel as corrosion protection. This increases the magnetic field, the sound becomes louder and gains brilliance. This type of string was specially designed for rock or hard rock in order to be able to assert itself better with higher output and a slight treble dominance in the fight for a frequency hole in the distorted sound spectrum.

Pure Nickel Strings: The other end of the tone scale. While most types of strings are dedicated to dominating the highs and high mids, pure nickel strings have a different objective. Described as "soft" in terms of their overall appearance, these strings are particularly suitable for jazz and blues due to their reduced output and warm basic timbre.

Their moderate basic tension and soft transient phase underpin the sound that you would expect from a large archtop.

Stainless Steel Strings: And now turn 180 degrees again and go full throttle in the other direction. Stainless steel strings have the largest magnetic field and the hardest basic tension. Their hard and high-pitched sound is the basis for everything that has to do with rock and metal. The overtone spectrum is omnipresent and supports the formation of the artificial harmonics that are used so inflationary in metal.

To say right up front, there are no "better" or "worse" strings, just as a performance-related rating in the field of art and music is always to be seen as borderline. Depending on the style of music, the physical principle supports the desired effect or undermines the objective. Stainless steel on a Super 400 is about as counterproductive as pure nickel on a B.C.Rich. So, listen(!), feel(!), think(!) and then choose carefully. Unfortunately, the advice in many music stores is limited to the above-mentioned keywords, which does the article more than an injustice.

In order to be able to make a practical assessment, I put the strings on the appropriate instruments, but only through an amp, in this case a KOCH Powertone, without any embellishments such as reverb, delay or similar. The licks were also deliberately reduced so as not to show off with technical dazzle and distract from the actual test. The bass signals were played directly through a Mackie VLZ console. The following were used:


Nickel Plated Steel Strings: Gibson Les Paul Special with P90 pickups

Stainless Steel Strings: Gibson Les Paul Deluxe with EMG 85 pickups

Pure Nickel Strings: Ibanez FG 100


Stainless Steel and Nickel Roundwound Strings: Alembic replica by Fernandez

Let's start with the pure nickel part of the guitar. The soft appearance, which is already noticeable when unpacking, continues in the sound behavior. A slightly treble-damped sound, with "smooth" attack and decay behavior characterizes the line of pure nickel strings. Due to the softer material, the sound is very suitable for moderate pop or jazz or for vintage sounds, as required in a Fifties/Sixties cover band. It should also be noted that the Pure Nickel strings need a little longer to remove the slip from the string and achieve their tuning stability, which means that you should pre-stretch them more often before relying on the final tuning.

With the Nickel Plated Steel series, PYRAMID has closed an important gap between the moderate Nickel Roundwound and the brutal Stainless Steel. A sound that is very good for everything to do with rock. Very lively in response and powerful in the decay, a really successful line.

In terms of hardness and brilliance, the stainless steel variation takes things up a notch. A very strong magnetic field and very hard materials make everything that has to do with hard'n'heavy appear in the best light. My personal favorite (... who would be surprised ;-)) However, you should be aware that due to the materials used and the associated hardness of the components, the fret wire wears out a little more than with conventional strings.

The bass strings continue the path taken with the guitar strings. Here too, the stainless steel line offers brilliant highs and an assertive sound for all types of rock, while the nickel roundwound variant is more docile in terms of aggression and high treble.


"Made in Germany". What has almost become an insult in automobile construction due to the lousy manufacturing quality of the last few decades remains a quality feature in the instrument and accessories sector. PYRAMID offers above-average quality for a comparatively low final price and also has the right connection for every style of music.


Additional Informations:

Pyramid Strings has been a name synonymous with quality and innovation in the world of guitar strings for over a century. With a rich history dating back to its establishment in 1850, Pyramid Strings has become a trusted brand among musicians worldwide. In this article, we will explore the origins, craftsmanship, and the enduring legacy of Pyramid Strings, highlighting its commitment to excellence and its impact on the music industry.

Origins and Heritage:
Pyramid Strings was founded in 1850 by Wilhelm E. Pletzer in Bubenreuth, Germany. From its inception, the company was dedicated to producing strings of the highest quality. Pletzer's vision was to create strings that would enhance the tonal characteristics of instruments, allowing musicians to fully express themselves. This commitment to craftsmanship and attention to detail has been the driving force behind Pyramid Strings' success over the years.

Craftsmanship and Manufacturing Process:
Pyramid Strings' commitment to excellence is reflected in every aspect of their manufacturing process. Each string is meticulously crafted using traditional methods combined with modern technology. The company's skilled artisans carefully select the finest materials, including high-grade steel, nickel, and phosphor bronze, ensuring superior durability and tonal integrity. The strings undergo rigorous quality control measures to ensure consistency and reliability, resulting in a product that meets the highest standards.

Innovation and Product Range:
While Pyramid Strings takes pride in its rich heritage, the company has also embraced innovation to stay at the forefront of the industry. They continuously strive to develop new technologies and materials that push the boundaries of string manufacturing. Pyramid Strings offers a diverse range of strings catering to various musical genres and playing styles. From classical and acoustic guitars to electric and bass guitars, their product line caters to the needs of musicians across the spectrum.

Endorsements and Collaborations:
Pyramid Strings' commitment to excellence has earned them the trust and endorsement of many renowned musicians. Collaborations with artists like Tommy Emmanuel, Al Di Meola, and Pepe Romero have allowed the company to further refine their products to meet the demands of professional musicians. These partnerships have not only elevated the brand's reputation but have also resulted in the development of signature string sets tailored to each artist's unique playing style and tonal preferences.

Environmental Sustainability:
In addition to their dedication to quality, Pyramid Strings is also committed to environmental sustainability. The company takes measures to minimize its carbon footprint and reduce waste throughout the manufacturing process. They prioritize the use of eco-friendly materials and implement recycling initiatives, ensuring that their operations have minimal impact on the environment. This commitment to sustainability resonates with musicians who are conscious of their environmental footprint.

Pyramid Strings' legacy as a leading manufacturer of guitar strings is a testament to their unwavering commitment to quality and craftsmanship. With a rich heritage spanning over a century, the company has consistently delivered strings that meet the needs of musicians across genres and playing styles. Through their dedication to innovation, partnerships with renowned artists, and their commitment to environmental sustainability, Pyramid Strings continues to shape the music industry, providing musicians with the tools they need to create and express themselves. As the company looks towards the future, one thing remains certain - Pyramid Strings will continue to be a name synonymous with exceptional quality and tonal excellence for generations to come.

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