Sonntag, 9. Juni 2024

TEST: REVV Generator 100R MK3

 They still exist, the all-tube heads, which make it clear as soon as you unpack them which customer group they were designed for. Almost 21 kg have to be pulled out of a very extensive packaging of 2 boxes, a protective cover and 2 huge "plastic sausage edge protectors". A weight for real men, which may only bring a weary smile to the face of an Ampeg Classic bassist, but will drive a Kemper user out of the room screaming. This test is intended to show to what extent powerhouses such as the Revv Generator 100R MK3 we are testing do not seem like pure anachronism in times of "profiling" and "emulation" with minimal weight and dimensions.

The structure of the Revv Generator 100R MK3

First of all, I would like to give a big, sincere compliment to the Canadian company, which has not only managed to draw the attention of tube enthusiasts to an otherwise geographically rather virgin area of ​​amplifier construction, but has also managed to make a name for itself in the overwhelming competition of countless small and large competitors in the field of high gain top parts in recent years. The development and professional distribution of an all-tube head alone requires a great deal of dedication and perseverance, which is why countless manufacturers have already given up, or sales figures have stagnated in the single-digit annual range.

First of all, a retail price of just under €3,000 seems truly reasonable for what is on offer and because it is manufactured in Canada, but why the American distributor is offering the amp almost 25% cheaper, i.e. over €700, is not really clear to me. Of course, many American companies such as e.g. Apple and the like also do a 1:1 conversion from dollars to euros, but this is a different story. However, if you are now happy to order from the USA store, be warned that you will only get a 120 V version of the head, which would ruin your operation in all of Europe and beyond.

However, if you can warm to the top part, you will get a lot for your money. Once again, a manufacturer is relying on a typical three-channel model, the individual channels of which can be flexibly handled in their voicing. The name MK3 indicates that this is the second development of the amp. As far as I know, the main difference relates to the introduction of a digital reverb and a noise gate. Unfortunately, I cannot judge whether the sound orientation of the Revv Generator 100R MK3 has changed significantly compared to its predecessors, as I did not test the first two versions.

The power amplifier selection in the form of 4 6L6s, which can be increased to 120 watts of output power if required (along with a big slap from the FOH), gives the basic sound more of an "American" sound in the form of more bass, more treble, less mids and stronger compression, which can of course be adjusted individually. Alternatively, the amp can also be throttled to 10 watts of output power. Each of the three channels has its own 3-band tone control plus a bright switch for raising the treble, and a cut and fat switch on channels 2 and 3 also enable mids to be processed in two directions. In the power amplifier area there is also a presence control for the treble and a depth control for the bass. The amp has 2 master volume controls, perfect for quickly increasing a solo spot without the FOH having to adjust accordingly. By the way, always offer the FOH the maximum level during the sound check, nobody likes to have the pre gain exceeded during the show!

The back

Although the Revv Generator 100R MK3 already impresses with all sorts of control options on the front, the real special features are on the back of the amplifier and also explain some unusual switches and controls on the front of the head. First of all, you notice the high number of DIN sockets, which make up a total of four. In addition to a MIDI In, MIDI Thru and a footswitch input (the six-way footswitch is included in the scope of delivery!), the offer also includes a very unusual "Cab Lighting" output, which allows the lettering of a matching Revv cabinet to also light up in the style of the head. Nice eye-catcher and double advertising for the manufacturer on stage.

Revv does without the rotary and slide switches of some competitors when it comes to impedance selection and provides 5 different outputs in the form of 1x16 Ohm, 2x 8 Ohm and 2x 4 Ohm, everything you need in a normal environment. By the way, it is always exciting what some stage assistants understand by Ohm's law, especially in South America, where every city has its own laws regarding speaker cabling, which have absolutely nothing to do with physics ;-)

The fuse accesses are also very nice, which are not just limited to the main and high voltage fuses, but also separately protect the 4 output tubes in areas 1/3 and 2/4 working in A/B mode and report any damage to the tubes within one of the pairs via LEDs. This means that if one tube fails, you can at least finish the show with reduced power. The idle current of the output tubes can also be read at 3 tap points. The power setting between 120 watts and 10 watts is also selected here with a push button.

The two XLR sockets on the back of the housing are unusual, but they reveal the practical approach of the Revv Generator 100R MK3. Here the amplifier signal can be tapped using a speaker simulation from Torpedo, a company that enjoys a good reputation in the home recording sector, provided you do not have the option of recording the guitar signal with high-quality microphones. A USB input and a Bluetooth receiver enable management via the corresponding Torpedo software. A further push button can be used to add a load resistor to the amp during speaker simulation, which is also urgently needed, as otherwise the amplifier will run dry and be destroyed within a very short time. On the front of the panel you will then find a rotary switch that enables 5 different speaker simulations and is managed using a level control via a jack output.

The Revv Generator 100R MK3 in practice

First of all, the Revv Generator 100R MK3 makes a very tidy impression. Despite the extensive controls, you can find your way around the amp very quickly, and management is intuitive. The sound files were recorded with an LP Standard, a Marshall 412 with Celestion G75 T and 2 SM57s, a standard setup, where it is immediately noticeable that the amp saturates relatively quickly in the clean range despite the moderate output of the burst buckers. Since the gain control is missing in the clean channel, I recommend the classic guitar volume control solution if necessary.

In keeping with its design, the focus of the amp is on the mid gain and high gain range, which the head also covers with many variations. The different voicings allow for great flexibility and, depending on the application, manage to cover almost all styles from very moderate to very bad. Despite the many options, the amp faces a large number of competitors. Engl, Friedman, Soldano, Bogner and, last but not least, Diezel are in the same price league and have already divided up the majority of the market between themselves. In contrast to the competitors mentioned above, however, the Revv Generator 100R MK3 lacks the unique selling point of its own sound, which sets it apart from the competition. Although the sounds are all of high quality, I personally find the sound a little lacking in transparency. The high gain sounds in particular seem a little muffled, but this is a purely subjective opinion and should not be seen as generally valid.

All in all, the Revv Generator 100R MK3 is a solid, high-quality amp, which also offers a good home recording solution, which increases the flexibility of the amp immensely.


With the Revv Generator 100R MK3, the Canadian manufacturer has a highly developed all-tube head in its range, which shines with great flexibility and extensive control elements. The amp is very well made and offers its owner a stately vehicle, which is nevertheless also equipped for home recording thanks to the Torpedo software.

Anyone looking for a high-quality all-tube amp that can be used both on stage and in the studio and who has enough arm strength should give the amp a try.


Additional Informations:

REVV Amplification, a Canadian company founded in 2014, has quickly established itself as a significant player in the world of guitar amplifiers. Known for their high-quality construction, innovative features, and versatile sound, REVV amps cater to a wide range of musicians, from bedroom players to touring professionals. This article provides an in-depth exploration of REVV amps, including their history, product line, technological innovations, and impact on the guitar community.

## History and Background

### Founding and Vision

REVV Amplification was founded by Dan Trudeau, a passionate guitarist and engineer, with a vision to create amplifiers that combine the best of modern technology with the timeless qualities of classic tube amps. Located in Winnipeg, Canada, REVV Amplification set out to design and manufacture amplifiers that offer unparalleled tonal flexibility, reliability, and innovation.

### Growth and Recognition

Since its inception, REVV has grown rapidly, gaining recognition and respect within the guitar community. Their amplifiers are now used by professional musicians around the world, and they have earned a reputation for quality and innovation. REVV’s commitment to customer feedback and continuous improvement has played a significant role in their success.

## Product Line

REVV Amplification offers a diverse range of amplifiers designed to meet the needs of various guitarists. Their product line includes everything from compact pedalboard amps to full-sized heads and cabinets. Key models include:

### REVV Generator Series

The Generator Series is REVV’s flagship line, known for its versatility and powerful tone. It includes:

- **Generator 120 MK3**: A 120-watt head with four independent channels, offering a wide range of tones from clean to high-gain.
- **Generator 100P MK3**: A 100-watt head designed for modern metal tones, featuring three channels with extensive tone-shaping options.
- **Generator 100R MK3**: Similar to the 100P but tailored for rock and classic metal tones, with a different voicing on the overdrive channels.

### REVV Dynamis Series

The Dynamis Series is aimed at players seeking more vintage and versatile tones. Key features include:

- **D20**: A 20-watt all-tube head that can switch down to 4 watts, offering a wide range of clean and overdriven tones. It’s compact and perfect for studio or small gig use.
- **G20**: A 20-watt head similar to the D20 but designed with high-gain players in mind, featuring the acclaimed Purple Channel from the Generator series.

### REVV Cabinet Series

REVV also offers a range of high-quality cabinets designed to complement their amplifiers. These include:

- **1x12, 2x12, and 4x12 cabinets**: Loaded with WGS (Warehouse Guitar Speakers) speakers, known for their clarity and punch.

### REVV Pedal Series

Expanding their product line, REVV has also entered the pedal market with offerings such as:

- **G2, G3, and G4 Pedals**: These overdrive and distortion pedals are designed to replicate the tones of their amp channels, making them perfect for players who want REVV’s signature sound in a compact format.

## Technological Innovations

### Reactive Load and Two Notes Torpedo Integration

One of REVV’s standout features is the integration of Two Notes Torpedo technology into their amplifiers. This allows players to use reactive load and cab simulation features, making it easier to achieve great recorded tones without needing a traditional speaker cabinet. The D20 and G20 models feature this technology, providing direct output with cabinet simulation for recording or direct PA use.

### Custom Transformers and Circuit Design

REVV amps are known for their custom transformers and meticulous circuit design. These components are crucial in shaping the amp’s tone and ensuring reliability. REVV’s transformers are designed to deliver consistent performance and are a key part of their amplifiers’ robust sound.

### MIDI Control and Versatility

The Generator series amps come equipped with MIDI functionality, allowing for seamless integration into modern guitar rigs. This feature provides extensive control over channel switching, effects loops, and other parameters, making it easy for players to customize their setup and switch settings on the fly.

### Build Quality and Durability

REVV amps are built with durability in mind. They use high-quality components and rugged construction techniques to ensure that their amplifiers can withstand the rigors of touring and heavy use. This commitment to build quality has earned them a reputation for reliability among professional musicians.

## Tone and Performance

### Clean Tones

REVV amps are known for their pristine clean tones, which can be found across their product line. The clean channels on the Generator series, for example, offer a wide range of tonal possibilities, from bright and glassy to warm and jazzy. These clean tones are highly responsive to playing dynamics and guitar volume adjustments, making them versatile for various musical styles.

### Overdrive and Distortion

REVV’s overdrive and distortion tones are highly regarded for their clarity, saturation, and definition. The Generator series, in particular, provides a broad spectrum of gain levels, from mild overdrive to extreme high-gain distortion. The G3 and G4 pedals capture these tones in a pedal format, making them accessible to players who prefer a compact setup.

### Versatility and Tone-Shaping

One of the key strengths of REVV amps is their versatility. The multiple channels and extensive tone-shaping options allow players to dial in a wide range of sounds, from classic rock and blues to modern metal and everything in between. The ability to switch between different voicings and gain structures makes REVV amps suitable for any musical context.

## Impact on the Guitar Community

### Artist Endorsements

REVV Amplification has garnered a strong following among professional guitarists. Notable artists who use REVV amps include Dustie Waring of Between the Buried and Me, Shawn Tubbs, and Mark Lettieri. These endorsements highlight the respect and admiration that REVV amps have earned within the guitar community.

### Community Engagement

REVV is known for its active engagement with the guitar community. They frequently interact with customers and fans through social media, offering insights, answering questions, and providing support. This approachability and willingness to listen to feedback have helped REVV build a loyal customer base.

### Innovation and Continuous Improvement

REVV’s commitment to innovation and continuous improvement is evident in their product development. They regularly release updates and new models, incorporating feedback from users and staying ahead of industry trends. This dedication to pushing the boundaries of amplifier design ensures that REVV remains at the forefront of the market.

## Conclusion

REVV Amplification has made a significant impact on the world of guitar amplification in a relatively short period. Their combination of innovative technology, high-quality construction, and versatile sound has earned them a place among the top amplifier manufacturers in the industry. Whether through their flagship Generator series, the vintage-inspired Dynamis series, or their line of pedals and cabinets, REVV continues to push the envelope and set new standards for what guitar amplifiers can achieve.

With a focus on craftsmanship, innovation, and community engagement, REVV Amplification is poised to continue its growth and influence in the guitar world. Their amplifiers are not just tools for musicians but instruments that inspire creativity and elevate performance, making them a top choice for guitarists seeking the best in tone and reliability.

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