Donnerstag, 6. Juni 2024

TEST: Randall Satan 100

 Oh, that's what I call bold marketing! Personally, I'm always a big fan of names that immediately define the area of ​​application and target group. But what Randall has served up here with his Randall Satan is hard to beat in terms of clarity. The devil himself is the namesake and when you turn on the head, the blood-red LEDs light up your face. What I would give to see the faces of the musicians at a blues jam when you heave this amp onto the stage and activate it :-)


The verb "heaves" is to be taken literally here. With a weight of almost 30 kilograms, you wonder whether you're just lugging the head or whether you've already accidentally grabbed the 4x12 cabinet. The dimensions are within the standard range at 740 mm x 240 mm x 265 mm (WxHxD), but if the amp is also to be transported in a case, you'll need an extra pair of hands. At first glance, the head looks like a relatively normal 2-channel head, but the names of some of the controls make the interested user prick up their ears.

Of course, most of the readers have already guessed, but the Randall Satan has only one area of ​​application, metal. This alone would not be so unusual, but the concept is designed primarily for drop tunings, or the use of 7-, 8-string guitars or even baritone guitars. In 2011, Randall brought Mike Fortin onto the team, who, following his excellent reputation, was promoted straight to chief engineer of the development department. To give the amplifier an additional promotional aspect, the amp was designed as a signature amp, but the relatively unknown guitarist Ola Englung was brought on board as the namesake. He has been playing the strings of death metal veterans Six Feed Under for 2 years, among other things. The fact that Randall doesn't really believe in the endorsee's appeal can be seen in the fact that the name only appears in small letters without a signature on the back of the case, while the Nullifier signature amp by Anthrax guitarist Scott Ian, which was also recently released, has the typical signature on the front.

Despite being made in China, the amp costs almost 2,000 euros, which suggests that it has various special features. The first thing you notice when activating the head is the uneven row of output tubes. This is due to the fact that the Randall Satan uses 2 6L6GC and 2 KT88 for each half-wave. Anyone who knows how the KT88 reacts to bass frequencies will understand the purpose of this unusual circuit. The second major feature can be found in channel 1 of the head. While channel 2 is comparatively normal with a three-band tone control (bass, middle, treble), a shift control for the midrange, a bright switch and the typical gain/volume control, the names of the controls on channel 1 are enough to attract attention.

Interestingly, Randall has revived the somewhat out-of-date system of 2 inputs. An active and passive socket each provide a pre-selection in terms of input sensitivity, although I personally prefer to use the passive input with an active guitar. But you should definitely try it out for yourself.

On the far left are two controls, the martial "Birth" and "Grind", which, together with the gain control, influence the distortion spectrum separately in their frequencies, with the birth control taking over the bass range and the grind control taking over the treble range. Funny detail on the edge, all three controls have a "6" instead of the normal initial letter, which together makes the classic "666". So if you plan to play with the amp in the USA, you should be very careful not to fall into the hands of fundamentalist Christians if you want to leave the venue in the same condition as before the show.

As far as I know, this is the only amp in the world that has three distortion controls in a single channel. This is followed by a sweep control, which shifts the starting point of the three-band tone control again. All in all, an extremely variable sound spectrum to serve the extended frequency range of the instruments mentioned above. As the icing on the cake, you can then activate a "kill" switch (all that's missing is Blood, Steel and Sword and you have a Manowar signature amp), which increases the high-mid range. The master section finally has master volume, presence and a depth control.

The back of the head is also blessed with great flexibility. The internal FX loop can be operated in parallel or in series and has been provided with a level potentiometer. Channel changes, kill boost and FX loop can be remotely controlled via two footswitch sockets, whereby the first two functions can be carried out using the footswitch supplied. 5 speaker outputs allow any speaker combination you like. The amp also has 2 direct outs, one with speaker simulation in XLR and an untreated TSR. Finally, there is the bias section, which allows the optimized calibration of the output tubes outside the housing.


As expected, the bass range of the Randall Satan was designed from the ground up to be transparent. With the 8-string guitar at the latest, you are already completely in the area where only the classic bass is at home, which presents completely new challenges for both the loudspeaker, tone control and the arrangement of the songs. It is not for nothing that there are already several bands that do without a bassist altogether and have the low frequency range covered either by two eight-string guitars or by a combination of eight-string guitar and keyboard player.

In order to escape the complete bass mush, especially in the high gain range, a very difficult adjustment is required in terms of compression and sound spectrum. So it's not surprising that the Randall Satan isn't really an ultra-bass woofer. At room volume, this might inspire the inclined user to ecstasy over the fat bass reproduction with his instrument alone, but for practical use in a band this makes little sense. The risk of thick slobber below the 300 Hz mark is too great, which always has a detrimental effect on the overall sound and the composition.

In fact, the concept of the three gain controls works perfectly and allows for finely graded distortion behavior. In combination with the sweep control, you should take plenty of time to find your personal sweet spot in the frequency spectrum, depending on the volume used; it's worth it. Don't forget that the unusual power tube combination does its part to ensure that the volume increases in terms of punch. And the 120 watt bolide certainly has plenty of headroom.

Although the focus is on channel 1 of the amp, as expected, you shouldn't make the mistake of viewing channel 2 as a mere extra. A high dynamic reserve ensures very clear, undistorted sounds and also allows for a considerable range of crunch sounds.


The Randall Satan is a product in the American manufacturer's range that consistently relies on high gain and downtuning. With a previously unique triple gain control, the head manages to maintain great signal transparency even at maximum gain and an octave below the standard guitar tuning. With extensive tone control in channel 1 and in conjunction with channel 2, the head also offers an extremely high tonal variety that many other high gain amps lack.
Even if the amp also adapts regular tunings without any problems, anyone who primarily uses 7-string, 8-string and baritone guitars in various metal genres should definitely give the amplifier a try.


Additional Informations:

Don Randall was a pioneering figure in the world of musical amplification, whose contributions to the industry extend far beyond the creation of Randall Amplifiers. A visionary marketer, inventor, and businessman, Randall played a crucial role in the development and popularization of electric guitar amplification. His work has left an indelible mark on the music industry, influencing generations of musicians and shaping the sound of modern music. This comprehensive article explores Don Randall's life, career, and enduring legacy.

## Early Life and Career

### Beginnings

Don Randall was born in 1917 in Santa Ana, California. His early years were marked by a fascination with electronics and music, interests that would later converge to shape his career. Randall's technical skills were honed during World War II, where he served as a radio operator in the U.S. Army Air Corps. This experience provided him with a deep understanding of electronics and communication technology, which would prove invaluable in his later work.

### Entry into the Music Industry

After the war, Randall joined Radio & Television Equipment Company (Radio-Tel), a Los Angeles-based distributor of electronic parts and equipment. It was here that he met Leo Fender, an inventor and businessman who was beginning to make waves with his innovative electric guitars. Recognizing Fender's potential, Randall became instrumental in marketing and distributing Fender's products, a partnership that would prove to be groundbreaking.

## Partnership with Fender

### The Birth of Fender Musical Instruments

In 1953, Don Randall and Leo Fender officially formed Fender Sales, Inc., with Randall taking on the role of General Manager. His marketing acumen and strategic vision were critical in establishing Fender as a dominant force in the music industry. Randall's understanding of the market and his ability to connect with musicians helped propel Fender's products to international fame.

### Iconic Products and Marketing Strategies

Randall was a driving force behind the success of several iconic Fender products, including the Telecaster, Stratocaster, and Precision Bass. His innovative marketing strategies included artist endorsements, dealer networks, and comprehensive advertising campaigns that highlighted the unique features and superior quality of Fender instruments. Randall's efforts not only increased sales but also cemented Fender's reputation as a leading manufacturer of musical instruments.

## Founding of Randall Amplifiers

### A New Venture

In 1970, after nearly two decades with Fender, Don Randall decided to venture out on his own. He founded Randall Amplifiers in Irvine, California, with the goal of producing high-quality, reliable amplifiers that catered to the evolving needs of rock and metal guitarists. Drawing on his extensive experience and industry knowledge, Randall set out to create amplifiers that offered superior sound and performance.

### Early Innovations

Randall Amplifiers quickly gained a reputation for their robust construction and powerful sound. Unlike the traditional tube amplifiers that dominated the market, Randall's early models utilized solid-state technology, which provided a unique sound that was well-suited for high-gain applications. The RG series, introduced in the late 1970s, became particularly popular for its distinctive distortion and reliability, setting the stage for Randall's success in the metal and hard rock genres.

## Technological Contributions

### Solid-State Technology

One of Don Randall's key contributions to guitar amplification was his pioneering work with solid-state technology. While many guitarists preferred the warm, dynamic tones of tube amplifiers, Randall demonstrated that solid-state amps could offer high gain, reliability, and unique tonal characteristics. This innovation was particularly appealing to metal guitarists, who sought the aggressive distortion and clarity that solid-state technology could provide.

### Modular Preamp System

Randall Amplifiers introduced the concept of modular preamps with their MTS (Modular Tube System) series. This groundbreaking system allowed players to swap out preamp modules to achieve different tonal characteristics within a single amplifier. Each module emulated the preamp section of famous amplifiers, offering unprecedented versatility. The MTS series received widespread acclaim for its flexibility and ability to cover a wide range of sounds without requiring multiple amplifiers.

## Impact on the Music Industry

### Influential Users and Endorsements

Randall Amplifiers quickly became a favorite among top-tier musicians, particularly in the metal community. Notable users include:

1. **Dimebag Darrell**: The legendary guitarist of Pantera was perhaps the most famous user of Randall amplifiers. His collaboration with the company led to the development of the Warhead series, which became integral to his signature sound.

2. **Kirk Hammett**: The Metallica guitarist has used Randall amplifiers to achieve his iconic high-gain tones, further solidifying the brand's status among metal musicians.

3. **Nuno Bettencourt**: Known for his work with Extreme, Bettencourt's use of Randall amps showcases their versatility, capable of delivering both clean tones and high-gain distortion.

### Contributions to Metal and Hard Rock

Randall Amplifiers have played a crucial role in the development of metal and hard rock music. Their high-gain amps have enabled guitarists to push the boundaries of distortion and sustain, creating new sonic landscapes. Don Randall's vision and innovation have influenced the design and development of amplifiers across the industry, driving advancements in both solid-state and tube technology.

### Educational Initiatives

In addition to his contributions to the music industry, Don Randall was also committed to the education of aspiring musicians. Randall Amplifiers partnered with music schools and programs to provide high-quality gear and resources to students, ensuring that the next generation of guitarists had the tools they needed to succeed.

## Legacy and Recognition

### Lasting Impact

Don Randall's impact on the music industry is undeniable. His work with Fender and Randall Amplifiers has left a lasting legacy, shaping the sound of modern music and influencing countless musicians. Randall's innovations in amplifier technology have set new standards for performance and reliability, and his marketing strategies have become a model for success in the industry.

### Honors and Awards

Throughout his career, Don Randall received numerous honors and awards in recognition of his contributions to the music industry. His pioneering work with Fender and Randall Amplifiers has earned him a place among the most influential figures in the history of musical instrument manufacturing.

### Continuing Influence

Even after his passing in 2008, Don Randall's influence continues to be felt. Randall Amplifiers remains a respected name in the industry, known for their high-quality, innovative products. The company's commitment to excellence and innovation reflects the values and vision that Randall instilled in it.

## Conclusion

Don Randall was a true pioneer in the world of musical amplification, whose contributions have had a profound impact on the music industry. From his early work with Fender to the founding of Randall Amplifiers, Randall's vision, innovation, and commitment to quality have shaped the sound of modern music. His legacy lives on through the countless musicians who continue to rely on Randall amplifiers to create their unique tones and push the boundaries of their art. As we look to the future, Don Randall's enduring influence serves as a testament to his remarkable career and lasting impact on the world of music.

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